President Joe Biden has signed a指示requiring federal contractors, including those working on construction projects, to pay their workers a minimum wage of $15 per hour, beginning with new contracts and extensions next year.

[View the White House fact sheet这里.]

但美国总承包商and Associated Builders and Contractors see little impact on wages on federal construction projects from the executive order, which Biden signed on April 27.

这是因为许多这样的项目受到《戴维斯 - 巴肯法案》新利18备用网址的普遍工资要求的约束,这通常导致每小时的薪水高于15美元。

ABC监管,劳工和州事务副总裁本·布鲁贝克(Ben Brubeck)在一封电子邮件声明中说:“该行政命令的主要关注点不是工资率本身,而是行政部门的非法和前所未有的权力掌握直接违反“戴维斯 - 巴肯和服务合同法”的新最低工资。



The new benchmark represents a 37% increase over the current minimum wage on federal contracts of $10.95 per hour.


Brian Turmail, AGC spokesman, said in an emailed statement, “This executive order is likely to have little impact on construction contractors,” because, in part, of Davis-Bacon Act requirements. That law, enacted in 1931, applies to contracts valued at $2,000 or more and mandates paying wages at prevailing levels in the area where a project is located.


North America's Building Trades Unions did not respond immediately to ENR's request for comment.

The Biden administration sees a variety of benefits from the executive order. The directive says, "Raising the minimum wage enhances worker productivity and generates higher-quality work by boosting workers' health, morale and effort; reducing absenteeism and turnover; and lowering supervisory and training costs."
