在道路下方访问埋在道路下方的地下公用事业有时可能是两到三天的努力,涉及多个车道封闭和重型设备。为了最大程度地减少这种情况,并加速了对英国第二大天然气分销网络的持续大修,Gas Utility SGN一直在投资ULC Technologies的自动RRES Roadworks机器人的开发。

Short for Robotic Roadworks and Excavation System, the RRES is a stand-alone, battery-powered robot that can autonomously perform the complex tasks required to excavate, repair and rebury gas lines situated beneath paved roadways. Now undergoing trials in the U.K. through the spring and summer, SGN and ULC see the RRES as the future platform for work on all kinds of underground utilities.

SGN的RIS项目负责人Ollie Machan在4月13日的行业机器人演示中说:“这提高了我们的安全。”

Aside from a pair of human operators to keep an eye on the robot and change out its tool cart as it moves through the different steps of the process, human interaction is minimal, which Machan says is a huge boost to safety. “RRES takes the operator out of the excavator, so if anything happens with the gas or electric, we’ve already taken them out of [danger].”

The RRES system seems straightforward at first glance. A robotic arm with six degrees of articulation sits on a track-mounted platform that houses the robot’s lithium-ion battery pack and onboard computer. Tools for different stages of the excavation are swapped out automatically from attached tool carts. But what sets the RRES apart from machine-control-enabled heavy equipment or sophisticated power tools is its focus on total autonomy.

“三年前,我们以一个雄心勃勃的目标开始了这个项目,” R&D项目经理兼ULC Technologies AI和机器学习负责人Ali Asmari回忆说。“在开挖中做所有事情:识别埋藏的资产,找到埋藏的资产并在这些资产上方挖掘土壤,所有这些资产的参与都较少。机器人可以在燃气管上安装配件,一旦操作完成,它就可以将材料恢复到钥匙孔[挖掘]并限制。”



RRES使用电锯在道路上切割一个圆形的钥匙孔,使用压力传感器评估何时插入量已经足够深。RRES可以切割各种形状,包括伸长的椭圆形,直达36英寸。然后,使用气动工具将路面“核心”从孔中抬出,该工具可以将核心在机器人底座上方提高3米(约9.8英尺),但如果其重量小于225 kg(约496磅)。在每次换车期间,气动升降机的空气软管,电锯的水管和雷达同轴数据电缆的连接都是自动处理的。

土壤在巷道的开挖完成via supersonic air nozzles attached to a vacuum hose, which break up the soil and draws it out of the hole. The robot performs this task within a box frame to prevent spillage outside the work area. “Every time [the nozzles] agitate it, the vacuum removes the soil,” says Asmari. “We have a force sensor at the end, so if [the RRES] comes in contact with the asset below ground, it will retract and allow the operator to go look in.” Aside from changing out the tool carts and performing maintenance tasks such as tightening the chainsaw’s blade, operators will also be on hand to inspect the robot’s work and confirm its progress before it moves onto the next task.


After work on the exposed pipe is complete, operators shovel the dirt back in the hole while the robot uses a compactor attachment to compact it layer by layer. Once finished, the RRES replaces the road pavement core as best as it can to restore the roadway to its previous condition.

“It pushes the core into the ground with a gentle downward force, wiggles the core around, finding the smoothest orientation to push back into spot,” says Asmari, noting this is only one of the specialized tasks his team had to custom-build for the RRES. “We’re designing things that have never been done before,” he adds.


Taking an articulated robotic arm off of a factory floor and putting it to work on the road took more than hardening it against the weather, explains Asmari.


目前,正在对30英尺30英尺的道路进行测试,以模拟英国城市以及纽约等美国城市发现的那种路基。SGN风险负责人约翰·理查森(John Richardson)说,SGN对RRES的开发进行了835万美元的初始投资,但机器人不仅可以用于埋藏的天然气管线工作。

“We’re already doing parallel trials with Transport for London,” he notes, adding that the robot's arm can work with a variety of tools for different applications. “It’s not just for gas distribution networks, but all sectors. We’re also now looking for collaborative partners to develop this with [further].”