拜登政府和国会专注于清洁能源技术,并提出氢示范项目和立法的建议新利18备用网址overhaul the energy tax code埃克森美孚公司于4月21日由参议院财务委员会主席罗恩·怀登(D-Ore)发行,埃克森美孚公司提议使用旧技术(碳捕获和存储),并计划在德克萨斯州的CO2存储大量存储中投资1000亿美元。



Exxonmobil Low Carbon Solutions总裁Joe Blommaert说,这家能源公司的庞大项目将耗资至少1000亿美元,并需要行业和政府的财政支持。它最初的重点是碳捕获,但也有计划for more hydrogen production to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30% at its global production facilities by 2030.

The parent company for three years has assessed the concept of multi-user “hubs” in industrial areas near possible storage sites such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs for storing emissions.

Blommaert says the concept has the potential to effectively decarbonize one of the country’s largest sources of emissions.

In a collaboration with carbonate fuel cell developer FuelCell Energy and a direct-air-capture firm called Global Thermostat, ExxonMobil says it is developing a new generation of carbon capture technology that, instead of drawing power, creates it.


To succeed, the project would also require regulatory and legal frameworks that support investments and innovation, Blommaert says.


能源部长詹妮弗·格兰霍尔姆(Jennifer Granholm)在4月19日与劳工领导人的一次会议上说,政府提出了15个脱碳化氢示范项目和10个针对大型钢,水泥和化学工厂的碳捕获改造示范项目。新利18备用网址

Project location and other details have not been released, but in the infrastructure plan, the administration said that by pairing hydrogen projects located in distressed communities with a new production tax credit, “we can spur capital-project retrofits and installations that bolster and decarbonize our industry.”



In an April 21 opinion, plumbers'' union General President Mark McManus said "while some continue to promote the idea that Americans must choose between climate or jobs, one thing is clear: theenergy transition that includes hydrogen意味着工人的工作安全和美国更清洁的未来。”