4月11日和12日,几个装有无人机目标eting oil refineries and military air bases in Saudi Arabia were shot down by Saudi military forces. A Yemeni Houthi militia claimed responsibility for the attacks, only the latest in a series of strikes on Saudi targets using relatively low-cost drones. To thwart similar attacks stateside, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is now testing drone detection and defeat technologies to protect airports and enacting rules for digital drone license plates.

机场,监狱,核电站和政府设施目前正在努力更新其无人机安全措施。无人驾驶航空系统(UAS)安全公司Droneshield首席执行官Oleg Vornik说,这些措施将需要与无人机技术一起发展。他说:“敏捷性,导航,自主权,蜂群,基于AI的技术以及更好的功率和飞行管理技术都将使UAS更加普遍,并带来更大的破坏。”

Some of the means of detecting invading drones are radar, cameras, high-powered microphones and radio frequency detection. But not all options are legal for the private sector, no matter how critical the jobsite, says Alex Morrow, vice president of defense solutions at Dedrone, which sells airspace security products.

“Radio frequency sensors are passive and do not require authorization for use; however, radar, which emits signals, will require FCC permission to use. Jamming, interrupting a drone signal or in any way defeating a drone is illegal and only allowed by certain federal agencies with proper approval,” says Morrow.

Certain methods of detection are legal for private sector use and enable the operator to infer the pilot’s location, offering the chance to apprehend the pilot, says Vornik. He adds that damaging an invading drone is just as illegal as damaging other kinds of private property.

因此,如果私人企业发现传入的无人机威胁,它可以做出什么回应?“除了打电话给警察并希望他们找到操作员之外,您什么也不做。”建筑,工程和地理空间顾问Woolpert的航空总监Zachary Shuman解释说。他补充说,这部分是由于FAA指定的无人机指定。

“Drones are technically aircraft; you’d be hijacking an aircraft if you take it over or shoot it down,” says Shuman. “It’s a serious problem that Congress will look at. We believe the Dept. of Justice may change those laws and the new FAA section 383 will help safely accomplish that.”

机场安全和空域危害缓解和执行是FAA 2018年重新授权法中第383条的标题。其目标是审查在国家领空中检测UAS的机场。Shuman说,FAA雇用了Woolpert和其他承包商,并于3月在美国五个机场开始测试,该机构由于19号和其他原因而推迟了一年。

The present gap in standards and regulations combined with the difficulty of obtaining radar as a private enterprise can create a security risk. By disabling the radio frequency transmitters on both drone and controller, the UAS is turned what the security industry calls RF-silent dark in a matter of minutes and can evade RF detection, says Spencer Prows, vice president of engineering and customer success at Fortem Technologies, an airspace security firm. “They use GPS waypoints to fly missions in a defined pattern without an operator,” says Prows.

While the FAA only allows federal agencies to use active drone defense systems, these systems are being used to bring down unwanted drones abroad. Fortem Technologies offers a drone that will physically intercept invading UAS. DroneHunter is a large UAS armed with a projectile net that can hunt incoming drones and bag them, literally. The difficulty of piloting such an operation is handled by AI and autonomous flight. DroneHunter uses radar to autonomously seek, find and capture incoming UAS.


Though not authorized to defeat or interrupt flight, prisons and other secure locations use cameras, antennas and microphones to document UAS invasions and work with local law enforcement agencies to apprehend pilots, or use evidence of drone intrusions to report to federal authorities, says Morrow.

“机场准备UAS中断their operations,” says Thomas Mackie, vice president, Woopert. “They’re very active in trying to flesh out what to do if a detection system sees a drone or if one is reported by a pilot.”

The National Safe Skies Alliance, a nonprofit, hired Woolpert to develop a UAS response guidebook for airports. The guidebook it set to be released in June, and will cover a fairly significant response protocol, says Shuman.

As the FAA tests technology, it doesn’t disclose the names of the products tested, even to contractors like Woolpert, says Mackie. “We’re the unbiased UAS operators,” he says. “Manufacturers names aren’t revealed to maintain testing integrity.”

尽管没有公开披露FAA选择的技术,但Droneshield和Dedrone过去与联邦机构签订了合同,使他们可能有一些测试的候选人。但是该领域的许多其他公司,例如Aaronia和Robin Radar Systems,也提供无人机检测产品。“在2018年至2020年,我们看到了进入该空间的公司的爆炸,仅在过去一年中撤回或解散,这可能是Covid-19的经济影响的结果,” Dedrone的明天说。



在新规则下,无人驾驶飞机制造商曲线ntly selling their products in the U.S. will have to comply with the ruling by Sept. 16, 2022, and all private drone operator in the U.S. must upgrade their aircraft in accordance with the final rule on remote ID by Sept. 16, 2023.

DJI是最大的无人机制造商,现在提供DJI Aeroscope,该Aeroscope使用射频检测来定位大多数DJI制造的无人机,最多30英里。该检测距离超过了大多数RF检测产品的一到三英里范围。Aeroscope捕获了DJI无人机以及飞行员位置的FAA所需位置和速度数据。

But relying on the FAA’s remote ID rules has its weaknesses, says Vornik. “This will not stop nefarious drone operators, much like registering guns doesn’t stop the illegal use of guns. People will just remove the chips,” he says, adding that defenses against UAS will still be required. “Counter-UAS technologies are also well positioned to track ‘friendly’ drones,” he adds.

FAA Remote ID also includes guidance on drone flights operating beyond visual line of sight and at nighttime, two practices previously not allowed, says Morrow. “We see [this] as just another step forward to the inevitable and accelerating proliferation of drones in our airspace.”