
当克雷顿大学(Creighton University)计划在凤凰城(Phoenix)耗资1亿美元的健康教育大楼时,其目标是将内布拉斯加州学院的清洁,现代美学与西南更加原始的外观结合。这个设计目标至关重要的是一个入口塔,上面覆盖着4英尺的沙漠岩石。

“我们想要在亚利桑那州砂岩的建筑物上的当地天赋,”位于凤凰城的巴特勒设计集团的建筑师肯·米勒(Ken Miller)说。但是团队很快发现,最好的石头是橙色的桃红色砂岩条纹,成本也最低,交货时间最快 - 是在印度斋浦尔的一个采石场中。

The commitment was sizable: 140 tons of stone in six shipments to the Port of Long Beach, Calif., with each of the 900 pieces precut so workers could slide the slabs into the tower’s outer frame. Local stone mason Sun Valley requested that certain pieces be included in each container based on the anticipated installation sequence, says Carlos Gonzalez, senior project manager at general contractor Okland Construction. Every piece was numbered and reserved for a specific place on the tower.


“What at the outset of the project looked like a phenomenal decision on behalf of cost and schedule ended up completely flipping the other way around,” Miller says.

“It’s already a fragile product,” he continues. “It’s difficult to ship anyway. With COVID and the factories shut down, we lost a lot of the safety factor we would have had in terms of quantity available and the ability to procure more.”



“我们必须考虑到这一点,它变成了等待游戏 - 石头会到来的时候?”


冈萨雷斯说,印度塔斯通塔斯通的克雷顿塔(Creighton Tower)于2020年10月9日到达长滩港。

“We finally opened the crates and, lo and behold, some of the stone was broken, some of the stone was missing, and some of the stone was not what we were expecting,” he says.

This shipment was the result of decisions by the Indian supplier, which was trying to fill orders under nearly impossible conditions. When a stone broke during production, the supplier shipped the entire order without that piece, with an eye to delivering the missing pieces in the very last shipment.


—Carlos Gonzalez, Senior Project Manager, Okland Construction

“Obviously, if you’re trying to build something in a certain sequence, that’s not going to work,” Gonzalez says. Okland worked with the supplier to verify what was missing, then reshuffled its construction sequences to compensate.

As more shipments arrived, the team took stones reserved for later use and installed them right away. Okland also sourced full stone slabs for Sun Valley to cut by hand and literally fill the gaps.

项目开发商Plaza Cos的设计和建设副总裁Susan Byram说,货运延误继续进行。

“So here we are, just starving for these stones. And they’re here, they’re literally just waiting off the coast, and we had to wait,” Gonzalez says.

Despite the challenges, Okland, Sun Valley and the rest of the team stuck to the project’s original schedule. The last stone shipment arrived in March, and workers installed the last piece in April. Construction on the entire project began in July 2019, and Creighton will receive the building at the end of April, with students attending the first classes in June.




“ RDG为Creighton大学做了很多工作,因此他们带来了Creighton的审美和专有技术,” Butler的Miller说。“我们在高效并将项目带入预算下,拥有专业知识,并且我们在广场和凤凰市场方面拥有经验。”新利18备用网址

Both design firms found subtle ways to break the university’s usual regimented look, such as incorporating exposed-concrete columns and polished concrete floors, Miller says. RDG also offset the building’s usual tight-edged ceilings with gaps that revealed the building’s inner structure and conduits.

The columns, especially, needed to look organic, Miller says. “We wanted the happy accidents you can’t plan ahead of time because concrete is a very natural, flowing material, it’s its own beast.”

In the project’s value-engineering phase, a single decision saved significant dollars, Miller says. The building’s design includes 40,000 sq ft of glass, and the original plans called for 14-ft, 8-in.-high panes. But those dimensions exceeded what the glass manufacturer could fit on its build tables. By trimming the some of the panes’ height by 8 in., Miller says, the team could get the glass at a third of the cost.

Working Closely, But Not Too Closely

随着克雷顿大楼开始从地面上升,占地3.3英亩的遗址还举办了另外两个建筑项目 - 一个10层的停车场和一座公寓大楼 - 都共享了相同的空间和道路通道。新利18备用网址广场高级副总裁乔恩·斯特尔泽(Jon Stelzer)说,在最繁忙的日子里,有600-700名工人蜂拥而至。



该团队还与一家消毒公司签约,每当工人生病时做出反应 - 即使该工人经营该项目的塔起重机,清洁工也必须爬上120英尺以消毒起重机的驾驶室。

