几乎所有的科罗拉多山区度假胜地和名称images of its iconic main street spring to mind. But unlike the charming Victorian-lined streets of Breckenridge or the old mining-era buildings of Frisco, the neighboring town of Silverthorne evokes visions of fast food, outlet malls and budget motels—little more than a place to crash after a day of skiing.

然而,Silverthorne 1亿美元的第四大街Crossing development is a big step toward changing the town’s image, bringing together retail, restaurants, lodging, parking and sidewalks to create a traditional downtown, says Tim Fredregill, development executive with Milender White (MW) Affiliates, Fourth Street Crossing’s developer and general contractor.

“It is an interesting opportunity, particularly for a mountain community,” Fredregill adds. “We’re designing what will be Silverthorne’s downtown for the next 100 years.”

“经过多年的计划,很高兴看到它从地面上浮出水面,”镇长Ryan Hyland补充说。该项目是MW与Silverthorne镇之间的合资企业,邀请居民和游客在新的行人友好的大街上度过时间,购物,用餐,工作和生活,该街将为Silverthorne写一个新故事。

Identity Crisis

Silverthorne成为了建造狄龙水库和艾森豪威尔/约翰逊隧道的工人的临时大本营,并于1960年代和70年代开始。它的田园诗般的位置距离丹佛(Denver)仅60英里,在半小时的车程内设有五个滑雪区,而时髦的Vail和Beaver Creek不到一个小时的路程。但是,随着其人口越来越成为萨米特县最大的人,城镇核心以大麻的方式聚集在一起,导致了一个长长的线性商业区,其特征是汽车服务和经销商,大型箱子硬件商店和其他大格式业务。


—Tim Fredregill, Development Executive, Milender White Affiliates


“The original documents were looking for a mountain lodge feel and a red brick, small town center,” says Bill Campie, president of Boulder’s DTJ Design, the project’s master planner and landscape architect. “It was our job to take those influences and find what Silverthorne’s version of [a downtown] should be.”

结果是一个占地3.8英亩的“超级块”,是传统城市街区的大小,旨在实现行人尺度的六种不同的建筑类型。Campie说,就MILENER WHITE和DTJ的愿景而言,这是一项冒险的努力。



一旦DTJ创建了街区的愿景,丹佛的Neo Studio设计了33个三层楼的步行联排别墅,一个29,000平方英尺的市场大厅和共享的停车结构。一家当地公司的O'Bryan合作伙伴关系是弗里斯科(Frisco),是混合用途建筑物的建筑师(零售价为24个公寓)。DTJ还完成了四层楼高酒店靛蓝的概念架构,这是第一个高档,精品店的Silverthorne。内布拉斯加州林肯的建筑创新是酒店的纪录。


“It’s a community-first feel, highlighting local businesses that are taking this risk with us.”

—Scott Vollmer, Director of Property Operations, Milender White

Fredregill says they knew the town core needed nightlife and a small-format place for people to hang out. This led to the conception of the market hall as the anchor component, with mixed boutique retail, restaurants, a central bar, food space and 6,000 sq ft of event space. A 200-kW solar array covers most of the roof.

A local take on the successful food-hall concepts in Denver, the market hall’s flexible design allows for rotating vendors and building permeability, while multiple overhead doors and extensive storefront create spaces that open to plazas and landscaping along Blue River Parkway. Streetscape improvements include sidewalks, planters, bike parking, a central plaza with a children’s play boulder and festoon lighting, seat walls, and a multimodal alley where pedestrians and vehicles share the space.

A favorite watering hole, the Old Dillon Inn, was relocated from Dillon during construction of the dam and had sat closed up like a time capsule for the past 10 years. Fredregill was insistent that the original inn be integrated into the project, and so the market hall was literally built around it, creating a building inside a building. Summit County’s oldest restaurant, The Mint Steakhouse—originally opened in 1862, before Colorado became a state—will remain standing on its own at the site and serve as another focal point and a nod to the town’s history.

MW worked with the town on a tax-increment financing to support a shared-use concrete parking structure with electric vehicle charging stations. It will also become the transit hub for Silverthorne and an important connector for employees who work throughout Summit County. In this sense, the project will operate like a true town center with entertainment, living and transit, Campie says.

Construction Challenges


“The scheduling and sequencing has been a delicate process due to the close lot lines and large quantity of infrastructure lacing between the pads. The district we formed for this project completed infrastructure that serves all the different vertical developments. And all the vertical developments are permitted independently, so the trick was to try to install an entire district’s worth of utilities while also making way for vertical development to take place.”

Building in Summit County is always a challenge, both in terms of weather and a limited local workforce. Fredregill says prefabricated building technology has been a key element of the design. “The precast parking structure was built in Denver, the townhomes feature prefabricated wall panels and the market hall is a preengineered metal building with a prefabricated superstructure that was hauled up and quickly assembled.”

“We relied mostly on crews in Summit County and Eagle and [incorporated the] prefabrication piece to have as much work done as possible and brought to the site,” he says. “The depth of trades in these smaller mountain markets is just not there. With a permanent population of 30,000 in Summit County, you have to do a good job of prequalifying your trades. We brought in a few from Denver, but crews [down there] have been so busy they don’t need to pick up mountain work.”

When you throw in unforeseen conditions like abandoned or undocumented utilities, winter conditions and the need for temporary power during construction, MW had to stay nimble through the process. “Hats off to our guys in the field for managing a tight site in a difficult environment,” Fredregill says.

“Pound for pound, construction in Summit County is even busier than Denver,” Campie says. “Perhaps a silver lining on the COVID-related construction delays is that MW hasn’t had to tackle the entire site at once, which gave them a little bit of room to stage.”

MW财产运营总监Scott Vollmer说:“整个城镇为这个机会感到兴奋。”“每个年龄段的人都在寻找一个地方,这将是一个带家人或在星期一下午建立笔记本电脑来完成一些工作的空间。这是一种社区优先的感觉,强调了当地企业承担这种风险。”

Campie adds: “We give Tim [Fredregill] a lot of the credit for this project. He wanted it to be a collaboration for the developer and the town, and this set the stage for cooperation and understanding, and the heart place of the community. It’s a rare endeavor indeed.”


  • Parking structure and transit facility: March 2021

  • 市场大厅和活动空间:2021年夏

  • 酒店:2021年秋季

  • 联排别墅:第一个联排别墅完成于2021年秋季,最后一个联排别墅完成了2022年夏季

  • 综合用途建筑物(零售公寓):完成年底2022