
的确,在许多人可能认为是令人难忘的一年中,波士顿物业标志着一座28层的办公大楼的顶峰,该塔楼凭借其20层楼的伴侣结构构成了RTC的第一阶段,该阶段是计划中的440万平方英尺- 北弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿市中心的延伸。北美大众集团已承诺与Fannie Mae一起担任RTC Next的主要租户,其中还包括一家酒店和多户塔,可能在今年晚些时候破土动工。

在马里兰州贝塞斯达的波托马克河上,波士顿房地产和伯恩斯坦·科斯(Bernstein Cos。在华盛顿市中心,在宾夕法尼亚州1100层的2100层楼上的工作正在进行中,当巴尔福·比蒂(Balfour Beatty)在2022年结束建设时,该公司将提供470,000平方英尺的办公室和零售空间。

“We strive to develop and own the best properties in the best markets.”

- 波士顿物业高级副总裁Pete Otteni

Being in the right place at the right time—even amid a global health crisis—is nothing new to Boston Properties, which over the past half century has grown into the largest publicly held developer, owner and manager of Class A office properties in the U.S.

“We strive to develop and own the best properties in the best markets,” explains senior vice president of development Pete Otteni, who, with Jake Stroman, current senior vice president of leasing, will take the helm of Boston Properties’ Washington office in mid-May. “These are markets where educated, skilled workers want to locate, where there are social, cultural, educational, civic and other resources and amenities.”

Forging ahead while so many other projects were idled was certainly appreciated by the region’s construction community, but many factors contributed to Boston Properties’ selection as ENR MidAtlantic Owner of the Year.

In the emerging area of healthy buildings, for example, the company has aligned its emissions-reduction targets with climate science and last year completed the Science Based Targets Initiative approval process. LEED-certified properties now total 24.3 million sq ft, more than half of Boston Properties’ actively managed office portfolio, with all but a handful certified at the Gold and Platinum levels.


Rounding out the year’s honors were an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, a Best in Building Health from the Center for Active Design and being the top-ranked office real estate investment trust in Newsweek magazine’s listing of America’s Most Responsible Companies.

波士顿财产是许多华盛顿地区慈善组织的坚定支持者,将其社区参与带到了社区层面。作为2100 Penn项目的一部分,该公司领导并亲自资助了两个长期被忽视的当地公园的重建。尽管这些改进已与社区领导者进行了审查,并且已经融入了建设,但波士顿的房地产停止了工作,以解决居民对计划如何展开的担忧。尽管重新设计的增加了成本和长达数月的批准流程,但波士顿的房地产愿意将修订纳入该项目。


Balfour Beatty运营副总裁Alex Palacios说,密切参与此类项目细节是波士顿Properties建筑方法的标志。


Similarly, Boston Properties takes the same approach to its construction partners, preferring to work with a small group of GCs in its various markets. “We view them as partners, and we work toward shared successes on our projects,” Otteni says. “We seek to lead, and not just to manage.”


克拉克建筑副总裁特里·西蒙(Terry Simon)指出:“他们总是在现场,帮助解决挑战,这也没有什么不同。”“他们每一步都与我们同在。”


Otteni has few doubts that offices and downtown areas will regain their pre-pandemic attractiveness.

“Corporate culture has suffered in ways that aren’t fully understood yet, and CEOs are universally reporting that their teams miss the camaraderie and collaboration associated with in-person work,” he says. “People will return to cities for the same reasons they have always gathered there,” from cultural, social and civic engagement, to ready access to institutions such as government, universities and other corporate organizations.

And if there’s an area that encompasses those attributes, it’s metropolitan Washington.

“我们对此项研究倍感兴奋完成开发πpeline that we already have underway and continuing to focus on leasing any vacancy in our portfolio, both existing and in our new developments,” Otteni says. “We’re confident that technology customers will continue to drive demand in northern Virginia, where we have significant development capacity in our Reston portfolio, and we are aggressively seeking additional projects to fill the future development pipeline in the region.”

波士顿Properties还正在采取措施提高其在其他开发部门的影响力,去年创建了一个新的部门,专注于生命科学。奥滕蒂说,尽管该公司在许多市场中都有领域的经验,包括华盛顿,“创建这个新部门的信号表明,这是该公司的一个新的,更具体的重点。”例如,马里兰州蒙哥马利县(Montgomery County)拥有强大的生命科学子市场,集中在I-270走廊上,许多公司在Covid-19-19-19疫苗的开发中扮演角色。


Also in the area…

波士顿特性’ recent Washington, D.C.-area developments total more than 3 million sq ft, with 90% of the projects leased prior to completion. Major projects completed in 2020 include:

Springfield, Va.



Located adjacent to Reston Town Center, the 276,000-sq-ft, 17-floor building constructed by HITT Contracting is LEED Gold certified. A rooftop central plant system also controls multiple adjacent buildings.