
We at Autodesk are committed to supporting this better path forward. The opportunity exists to fundamentally reshape our water systems by improving the execution of projects from planning through to operations and maintenance. This vision is the driving force behind Autodesk’s recent acquisition of Innovyze, a global leader in water infrastructure software development. The acquisition brings together Autodesk’s design, engineering, and construction software with Innovyze’s modeling, simulation, asset management and predictive analytics solutions. Together, these create an end-to-end water infrastructure solution to enable more cost-effective, resilient, and sustainably designed water networks.

The water crisis faced by Toledo, Ohio, residents in August 2014 illustrates the challenges many municipal water systems face — and importantly, the opportunities — in water infrastructure. A toxic algae bloom in Lake Erie caused a "do not drink" advisory, creating the threat of stomach illness, respiratory issues, and even liver failure. Then-Gov.John Kasich declared a state of emergency, the National Guard and Red Cross set up water distribution centers, and the system’s half-million residents were without tap water for three days.

托莱多的水处理设施建于1940年代和50年代,已经过时了,缺乏容量,并且没有准备好应对藻类花朵事件的响应,这些事件正在增加。另一条出现在2017年的莫伊河(Maumee River),该河经过托莱多(Toledo)。托莱多的处境几乎没有异常值。美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)2021基础设施报告卡为美国的饮用水系统提供了C-。对于带有D+和雨水的废水看起来更糟。他们爆发了。ASCE估计在美国,每两分钟每两分钟休息一次,每天损失60亿加仑的水。



Toledo’s approach to solving its water treatment problem after 2014 is a study in civil infrastructure improvements done the new way, the approach that should be expected and customary. The plan called for expanding capacity with two new basins while upgrading the city's six existing basins and keeping its water treatment facility operational during construction. From the start, the project team including design and engineering firmArcadis它的承包商合作伙伴部署了该项目中每个人使用的云协作软件,尽管从俄亥俄州到佛罗里达州分散了一系列学科和亚公民。该团队还接受了现实捕获和增强现实(AR),以创建现场条件的精确表示,并使合作者能够实际访问该网站。



Public Sector Needed to Push the Industry Forward

仅技术就无法解决我们国家的水系统问题。设计和建筑行业的发展需要私营部门与各级政府的公共部门之间的合作。虽然私营部门继续提供技术来扩展有限的自然和财务资源的机会,但联邦政府应考虑激励措施,以支持数字化在民用基础设施中发展的数字化工作。今年早些时候,Autodesk首席执行官Andrew Anagnost提供了一系列policy suggestions拜登 - 哈里斯政府和国会刺激经济和就业增长,提高可持续性并加快转型的速度。


Theo Agelopoulos是Autodesk基础设施业务的高级总监。他在收购Innovyze以及Autodesk的业务模型转型中发挥了主要作用,特别是在其建筑,工程和建筑业务中。