t并非每天都在项目团队与项目团队坐下来讨论建筑和乘员安全。但是在2019年,室内设计公司Intec Group负责人的基思·斯威策(Keith Switzer)发现自己在会议上做了这一计划,因为计划在波士顿郊区的一间四层楼的办公室和研究大楼成形。Switzer回忆说,该项目的所有者,毒品制造商EMD Serono对安全性“非常热衷”。So leaders from the project’s prime contractor, Erland Construction, and much of the project team gathered regularly in an existing building at the project site, and later sometimes in a project trailer, where the vibe was for a “roll up your sleeves effort … literally everyone at the table throwing out ideas.” Even after the pandemic shifted the meetings to the internet, the basic mission as Switzer sees it was to explore ideas where “if you did this differently, this would be a safer way of doing XYZ.”


The result has been a project, more than halfway to completion, with no serious injuries so far and a list that can grow to include still more possible safety-related changes. That list essentially is a long-running diary of every idea for protecting the building’s construction workers and future maintenance staff and occupants. The 122 changes made so far amount to dozens of avoided trips and slips, gnarled knees and fingers, of tragedies erased from the calendar of future human mishap.

One entry calls for a lift to support ironworkers making all moment welding connections on the building’s steel frame (No. 51). Another calls for anchors for safety tie-offs for window washing (No. 58). Of special import was entry No. 1: “Move the building” away from an existing building, avoiding need for extensive shoring and retention systems.

EMD Serono项目团队不断增加越来越多的。

EMD Seronohas long used the safety hazard identification and mitigation process known as Prevention through Design, or PtD, says Tony Meenaghan, the firm’s senior director of environmental health and safety-related facilities management and engineering. EMD Serono’s project team—led by Erland, a Burlington, Mass.-based construction manager, and architect PM Group—have run with it. “It’s really simple, but it takes commitment and discipline,” says Meenaghan.

通过揭示Billerica新高度项目的细节,EMD Serono和Erland可能会引起对该方法的新兴趣。自1990年代初以来,它一直受到一些风险专业人员,顾问和工程教师的支持。联邦政府的美国国家安全和健康研究所于2007年开始推广,Niosh甚至发布了有关如何向建筑师教PTD的指导手册。但是,在过去的几十年中,其他安全方法,例如基于行为的安全计划或使用预测分析将注意力集中在危险点上,似乎引起了人们的关注。


当Erland根据示意图设计准备出价并赢得了建立大约6000万美元项目的合同时,承包商为EMD Serono执行了许多项目,但不使用PTD。新利18备用网址Although this project is being performed using a traditional design-bid-build delivery, and while Erland doesn’t “own” the design, the firm is working closely with the owners representative and the project architect, PM Group, on the safety PtD effort.

长期以来对设计相危害分析的障碍是数十年来的法律智慧,建筑师和工程师为了避免对事故的潜在责任,明确指出他们不以建筑方式和他们的方式参与专业服务仅与设计及其密封或邮票有关。可施工性审查和设计 - 辅助项目交付引发了与PTD相似的问题,尽管它们与安全性直接相关。

The old legal wisdom has adjusted to changing times, though. Sitting at a conference table making suggestions about safety isn’t the same as performing formal design services, insurers say, and other processes that blur traditional roles, such as design-build, haven’t led to huge numbers of lawsuits. Design-build by its nature facilitates hazard identification and mitigation in the design phase.


埃兰德(Erland)项目经理马修·科姆斯(Matthew Combs)的肩膀通常靠在建筑承包商兼项目经理的肩膀上,他说他发现该项目的建筑师和工程师也“令人耳目一新”。PM Group的建筑部门经理Philip Koeniger指出,EMD Serono的建筑是他公司的第一个PTD项目,但不需要任何特殊的保险或合同条款。他说:“这些都是为了使建筑物更安全,更安全,不仅适合在那里工作的人,而且对承包商也更加安全。”



安全顾问理查德·希洛普(Richard Hislop)说,使用BIM的建筑信息建模和潜在的节省正在将更多的安全讨论转向设计阶段。“通过将设计限于三个维度来检测冲突,我认为有些人从建筑和运营的角度来认识到安全人员并纳入安全人员,并认为在设计阶段消除危害可以避免变化和成本。”新利18备用官网登录

可持续性和气候变化也产生了影响。美国绿色建筑委员会在2015年同意预防事故(维持人类健康和生命)的情况下通过设计提供了预防的推动力,可以在理事会受欢迎的LEED LEED认证系统下获得信贷。与NIOSH合作创建的信用正在吸引。NIOSH的统计数据显示,2018年有205个项目有资格新利18备用网址获得LEED信用,这是有信息的最新一年。

所有者过去曾在施工方面进行了改进,而PTD似乎也发生了同样的情况。俄勒冈州立大学土木工程专家兼教授约翰·甘巴特斯(John Gambatese)表示,诸如英特尔,埃克森美孚和南方公司等公司都对这一过程使用或表达了兴趣。

Workers who constructed rebar mats on the ground before mats were lifted into place faced many chances to trip. By reducing spacing between bars, boots could span the openings, eliminating potential trips and falls.

没有针对EMD Serono项目制定特殊的项目法律条款。毒品制造商,PM Group和Erland制定了一项针对特定工作的安全计划,其中包括安全宪章和关于通过设计预防的传单,并且两者都被纳入了所有分包商竞标套餐中,因此,“因此分包商都知道项目安全标准。”

在开始之前,EMD Serono在2019年中启动之前举行了强制性的“安全日”。Erland的项目团队提出了一个崇高的目标,即确定150个潜在的设计变化。随着过程在数周和几个月内滚动,想法提出了更多的想法。

Now, with construction about two-thirds complete, the Erland team is expanding its list of potential design changes, with more ideas continuing to roll in. “It’s contagious, that is what is so fun about it,” says Anette Balestrand, assistant project manager for Erland. “Once people see it and realize it’s safer and better for them, they want to join the cause.”

PM Group的Koeniger说,出现的一个主要问题是如何处理装载码头,该码头通常在离地面四英尺的地方建造,以容纳卡车的卸货。EMD Serono不喜欢提高码头的想法,理由是安全问题以及有限的工作空间。在“一整轮讨论”和设计迭代之后,“我们消除了码头”,并用嵌入式剪刀升降机代替了码头,在需要完成卸载时,该剪刀会起作用。“它创造了一个更大的地板区域,以及更大,更安全的工作环境,”科尼格说。

我mplementing the Changes


Change 141: Column Splice Location


What did the changes do to the project cost? It’s hard to put a number on it, Combs says, but a lot of the changes became part of the “buyout” with the subs. For example, when the project team increased the weight capacity of the elevators so lifts could be moved in them for owner maintenance later on, that cost was bought out with Kone, the elevator supplier. So EMD Serono ultimately paid for it as part of that scope in the sub award process. Some of the changes also save money, Combs reports, “so it would be difficult to put a figure to all of these.”

通过设计概念的预防可以追溯到1950年代,但直到1990年代初,这种做法才获得了一些动力。甘巴斯(Gambatese)就该主题写了他的博士学位论文,由甘巴特斯(Gambatese)和已故土木工程教授吉米·欣兹(Jimmie Hinze)进行的建筑行业研究所赞助的研究表明,设计相危险的潜力。1995年,国家安全委员会发表了有关该主题的立场论文。2005年,当保险业安全工程师弗雷德·马努埃尔(Fred Manuele)指出,在安全和健康文献中很少提到危险。Manuele还发现,虽然设计问题通常是报告中描述的事故的原因,但建议更正中的设计很少。Niosh于2007年通过设计获得了预防,并从那以后一直保持支持。

俄勒冈州立大学的甘巴特斯(Gambatese)通过设计写了关于预防的博士学位论文,此后并没有停止学习和推广。新利18备用照片:Becky Gambatese

2011年,美国国家标准学院(ANSI)和美国安全专业人员学会(ASSP)通过设计标准发布了ANSI/ASSE Z590.3预防。现在正在修改。尽管美国土木工程师协会关于工程实践的文件已经在多个地方讨论了安全,但协会领导委员会和建筑学院的委员会正在开发更多的指导材料。

然而,通过设计预防仍然是一种罕见的实践。NIOSH导演约翰·霍华德(John Howard)在2019年写道:“历史向我们展示了这是一个概念太少。”

When he was working as a structural engineer in San Francisco before switching to academia full time, Gambatese recalls “hearing from one of my supervisors that we did not need to address safety in our designs because ‘safety was what the contractor did.’ Things change slowly.”

但是,新的EMD Serono项目表明,自2019年4月工作以来,到226,234小时的工作,自2019年4月开始工作以来,它的时间就没有损失。