
阿拉巴马州GenRev Properties is planning to construct the橡树山的树冠佩勒姆的综合用途开发。它将包括200套公寓,115间客房的酒店和22,500平方英尺的零售中心,称为大本营,其中包含啤酒厂,餐馆和其他零售。此外,还将有一个户外攀岩墙和户外音乐活动的舞台。该项目的价值为6000万美元。GenRev Properties, Attn: John Benner, Partner, 3075 Healthy Way, Vestavia, 35243. DR#19-00781835.

ArkansasOwens-Corning Inc.计划建造550,000平方英尺manufacturing facility在其目前在史密斯堡附近的56英亩土地上,以取代1984年建造的现有工厂。新工厂将生产屋顶材料。该项目的价值为1.15亿美元。ATTN的Owens-Corning Inc.:Marco Sandri,Composites总裁,1 Owens Corning Parkway,俄亥俄州托莱多,俄亥俄州43659。DR#21-00508761.

HawaiiKyo-Ya Co.计划重新开发Sheraton公主Kaiulani酒店在檀香山。该项目要求在占地4.1英亩的土地上完全拆除现有建筑物。新酒店将设有一座33层的塔楼,设有1,009间客房。该塔上的附属将是一个六层楼的讲台,上面有零售,食品和饮料空间,会议设施和娱乐甲板,其中包括无限边缘游泳池,懒惰的河,健身房和泳池吧。还将有一个695个空间的停车结构。拆除可能会在2022年某个时候开始,目标完成日期预计在2025年的某个时候。它是由70 International Inc.组设计的。该项目的价值为5亿美元。Kyo-Ya Co.,2255 Kalakaua Ave.,檀香山,96815。DR#09-00452105。

蒙大拿三菱Hitachi Power Systems的Oriden LLC计划建设氢生产和燃气轮机设施在Butte的160英亩地点上。该设施将通过电解将经过处理和抛光的水从伯克利坑中转化为氢,该电解仅留下氧气和水蒸气作为副产品。氢气将通过一个井井有条的450英里天然气管道转移,然后存放在犹他州三角洲的巨大盐圆顶中,在盐湖城西南约130英里处,并由Intermountain电厂使用。该项目的价值为5000万美元。Oriden LLC, 106 Isabella St., Pittsburgh, 15212. DR#20-00621386.

俄亥俄州俄亥俄州东北地区下水道区计划建造西北化学增强的高率治疗设施在克利夫兰。预计建设将于2022年第一季度开始。该项目的价值为7800万美元。俄亥俄州东北地区下水道区,ATTN:Devona Marshall,工程与建筑总监,克利夫兰3900 Euclid Ave.,44115。DR#17-00592201。

罗德岛罗德岛大学计划在1909年至1928年之间建造的三座历史重要建筑的重大修复和康复,周围是金斯敦校园四边形。第1阶段将提供修复Edwards Hall,East Hall,Washburn Hall,exterior improvements on Bliss Hall and Ranger Hall, and an enabling renovation of Morrill Hall. Phase 1 is valued at $83.5 million. Construction is expected to be completed by 2032.罗德岛大学,金斯敦上大学路45号,02881。DR#21-00453626.

Bids, Contracts, Proposals

NevadaQ&D Construction Inc. has started carrying out a highway reconstruction project ofState Route 28 and State Route 431 (Mount Rose Highway)in Washoe County. The project entails cold milling, placing plant-mix bituminous asphalt, constructing a soil nail wall and ADA ramps, stormwater/hydraulic improvements and installing ITS conduit. The project is valued at $35.3 million.Q&D Construction Inc.,1050 South 21st St.,Sparks,89431。DR#20-00575098.

Wisconsin丹恩县公共工程部目前正在评估寻求执行的承包商的竞标MSN南码头麦迪逊的扩展项目。该项目的价值在4500万至5000万美元之间。丹恩县公共工程部,1919年Alliant Energy Center Way,麦迪逊,53713。DR#21-00463548.


Georgia 4/28Fulton County is seeking bidders to construct a new county动物收容所在亚特兰大。布鲁里溃疡58000平方英尺ilding will be able to accommodate 376 dogs, 99 cats, six livestock, six to 18 chickens and 12-24 other animals. It is being designed by Pierce Goodwin Alexander & Linville. The project is valued at $32.5 million.Fulton County Purchasing Dept., Attn: Darlene Banks, Asst. Purchasing Agent, 130 Peachtree St. SW, Atlanta, 30303. DR#21-00530323.

纽约5/6Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority正在寻求竞标者为Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridgein Brooklyn. The project includes making miscellaneous structural steel repairs to the upper steel work. The 4,022-ft-long bridge spans Jamaica Bay. Upon its opening in 1937, it was the longest vertical-lift span bridge in the world, with a main span of 540 ft.Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, Attn: Victoria Warren, Manager, Procurement, 2 Broadway, New York City, 10004. DR#20-00491950.

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