
Brian Turmail, a spokesman for the Associated General Contractors of America, says, “The committees are likely ensuring to the greatest extent possible that they are meeting the goals of President Biden’s Build Back Better plan.”

参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)(D-N.Y.)3月23日说:“我们想要一个大型,大胆,强大的包装。”他补充说:“我们正在探索各种不同的选择。”

White House plan may resemble 2020 house-passed “moving forward act,” which proposed $1.5t for infrastructure

Turmail说,AGC的“最佳猜测”是,白宫计划的基础设施部分将类似于$ 15万亿美元的前进法案,这是众议院去年7月通过的。它包括4.94亿美元的高速公路,运输和铁路。它还拥有400亿美元的清洁水国家循环资金(SRFS),饮用水SRF的250亿美元和700亿美元的清洁能源。参议院去年没有接受该法案。

两个众议院委员会制定标记言之凿凿ing aggressive amounts for the Environmental Protection Agency’s wastewater treatment and drinking water programs. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) on March 16 introduced a five-year measure authorizing $50 billion for wastewater treatment infrastructure. The bill’s core is $40 billion for Clean Water SRFs. That program has long been the main federal funding source for wastewater projects.



Kristina Surfus, National Association of Clean Water Agencies managing director for government affairs, says, “Congress will be challenged to find pay-fors for infrastructure investment of all types, including water.” She adds, “This clean water authorization package is a great first step, setting the stage for significantly higher appropriations.”

Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee on March 11 unveiled a $312-billion, five-year multisector infrastructure bill. It would include $51 billion for drinking water, including $26.3 billion for the SRFs and $22.5 billion to replace old lead service lines.

The bill also authorizes $69.9 billion for clean energy and energy-efficiency programs, including $19.4 billion for electric grid infrastructure improvements. Health care facilities are another focus. The bill would provide $10 billion for hospital construction and modernization and another $10 billion for community health centers.
