
建筑经理Gilbane Building Co.正在监督该项目,该项目涉及拆除和拆除大学崩溃的混凝土四边形和老化的科学大楼,用绿色空间,步行道,数百棵树,数百棵树和更传统的校园感觉代替。

新的和改进的校园在2022年首次亮相时,将标志着UMass Boston的原始设计的惊人变化。该大学的校园建于1970年代初期,其中包含一系列笨拙的砖砌建筑,周围是混凝土四边形的建筑,这是批评家因其封闭的堡垒般的感觉而受到批评的设计。


Demolition work began last year and has been gathering momentum over the winter and early spring as crews finish taking down the university’s 70s-era science complex.

The jobsite has taken over a significant chunk of the campus: 27 out of a total 120 acres.

“This is a huge, transformational project for the campus,” says Mike Kearns, the school’s associate vice chancellor for facilities management.



Underworld Ties

原始结构受到了腐败丑闻,将两名州参议员送入监狱and resulted in a series of state reforms in how public construction contracts are bid.

The campus’ underground parking garage was constructed with inferior concrete and closed a decade and a half ago as sections of crumbling concrete gave way. The corrosive salt air blowing in from Dorchester Bay also did not help, experts say.

Crews are now working in the old garage space located underneath three major campus buildings to reinforce their foundations, says Kevin Cooke, a senior project executive at Gilbane.

That involves cutting away the damaged concrete columns and beams that have eroded, exposing the rebar and replacing and fixing it.

Structural steel has been brought in to help seismically brace the foundation of the buildings as well, according to Cooke.


Fulfilling Project

Dealing with defective concrete has not been the only challenge though.



To prevent settling, two 30-ft-wide concrete tunnels will be built to create a structural void adjacent to the existing buildings. These structures will relieve downward pressure from the soils being placed above and adjacent to the buildings to shape the perimeter of the new Quad.

“It’s all urban fill,” Cooke—who grew up in neighboring Quincy and could see the dump in operation across the bay—said of the site’s composition. “They had a processing plant there for a while. Every one of those buildings has a methane recovery system.”

Underneath the structural voids and the structural soils being placed over them, 100 different pilings will provide additional support for the fill and other materials used to create the plaza on the upper level, with crews now gearing up to do this job.

Another painstaking job involves the waterproofing tie-ins between the new plaza and the campus’ old brick buildings.


“Due to the nature of the tie-ins, each location needs to be abated individually in sections,” Cooke said in an email. “This is a slow process, as one could imagine.”

Bunker Busting

To date, demolition contractor Select Demo Services has taken down the old quad and the parking underneath, a pool building and more than 60% of the school’s old science building.


其中包括30,000克YD在其他项目中留下的受污染的土壤,精心分层以包含它,以及拆除拆除的90,000 YD压碎混凝土。新利18备用网址

凯恩斯说:“我们正在粉碎混凝土和砖块,如果不是全部 - 如果不是全部 - 返回到洞中,那么我们将最多的话放在了洞中。”