Stephen D. Bechtel Jr., who as three-decade CEO of the engineering and construction company that bears his family name and is seen as the driver of its huge growth and geographic expansion, died March 15 in San Francisco, the company said in astatement。他95岁。

Bechtel also was an active construction industry leader and winner of ENR's highest award for his business achievement.

Bechtel, known as Steve Jr., joined the company in 1948 as a field engineer and was named CEO in 1960, a position that he held until 1990. Named chairman in 1973, he also was a company board member through 2018. Steve Jr. was the third-generation of the Bechtel family to head the company founded in 1898 by Warren A. Bechtel, who was succeeded by Stephen Sr., in 1933.

According to the company, his "earliest memories were shaped by the awesome power and scope" of Hoover Dam, which the contractor built as a leading member of a six-firm consortium beginning in 1931 and to which Steve Jr. accompanied his father and grandfather on inspection trips.


During his tenure as CEO, the company’s sales increased 11-fold and its number of employees grew five-fold, says the firm. Formerly based in San Francisco, it relocated to Reston, Va. in 2018.

贝克特尔排名在23号ENR的名单中排名前2新利18备用50 Global Contractors, reporting $15.9 billion in worldwide contracting revenue in 2019.

It also had held first place in revenue on ENR's Top 400 U.S. contractors list in 2020 and back through 1999, as well as in 1993, coming in second in 1992 and in the years 1994 through 1998. The firm fell to second place on the 2021 ranking, with revenue affected by market changes in oil and gas and due to the pandemic.


During Bechtel's tenure, the company’s roster of major projects rose to 119, from 18, according to Bechtel Corp. That list includes such megaprojects as the Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) in the San Francisco-Oakland area, the Jubail Industrial City and King Khalid International Airport in Saudi Arabia and the Channel Tunnel, which links Great Britain and France.

Begun in the mid 1970s, Jubail is considered one of the world's largest civil engineering projects, with work still continuing. The project is among large infrastructure developments the contractor has executed and continues to in its long association with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



Sean McGarvey, president of North America's Building Trades Unions in a March 16 statement, said unions "worked with Bechtel Construction for well over one hundred years, in which Bechtel has consistently served as the largest single employer of our members." He said the former CEO "helped to solidify and forge the relationship. Stephen Bechtel always showed mutual respect for his clients, his team, and the craft people who had the opportunity to work for him."

“小史蒂夫·贝克特尔(Steve Bechtel Jr.新利18备用网址,告诉恩。新利18备用“他在最高级别向客户做出了艰难的承诺,并确保他们得到了认识。”

注意项目如巴特新利18备用网址d the Boston Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel three decades ago on which PB, now part of Canada-based WSP, and Bechtel were teamed, Prieto adds that the contractor "was not noted for teaming at that time but the relationships [Steve Bechtel Jr.] had built with PB on BART and two other major US transit program management projects paved the way."

Fluor Corp. Executive Chairman Alan Boeckmann said he remembered, in awaiting a meeting at Bechtel headquarters in a room with a large portrait of Bechtel, "it being quite awe-inspiring to have been seated just below such an industry legend."

CEO Gains ENR Top Award in 1974

ENR recognized Bechtel as its Man of the Year for 1974, "for succeeding," according to an editorial that accompanies aFebruary 1974 profileof the CEO.



作为一家私人公司巨头,Bechtel Corp.是众多媒体个人资料的主题,强调其运营,财务和影响力。

Reacting in 1988 to a Simon & Schuster published book entitledFriends in High Places,the CEO said that its "central theme that our success has depended on political influence, favoritism and illegalities—and not skill ... and dedication to doing a good job ... is a big lie."

Also part of his statement were specific responses to the book's narrative related to hiring former top US Cabinet Secretaries George Shultz and Caspar Weinberger, whom he said "adhered to laws and Bechtel's policy of refraining from contact with the federal government," and questionable business dealings in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Indonesia and Korea, all of which he disputed or said had been "thoroughly investigated with appropriate action taken." The CEO also took issue with the author's credibility, citing what he said were major factual errors and "near-complete ignorance of the engineering-construction industry."

在1988年4月的社论中,Enr注意到该杂志报道了Bec新利18备用htel的“阿拉斯加管道管理(Alaska Pipeline Management)的丧失(真正的尴尬),阿拉伯抵制和过度依赖核工作”,也有很多关于一家骄傲和专业公司的好消息。”

But the contractor and design firm PBalso faced controversyin management of the $14-billion Central Artery project, also known as the Big Dig.

A 2016 book about Bechtel, called润求,continued the story lineof its "empire building."

Leadership Transitions

Stephen Jr. retired as CEO in 1990, when he reached 65, and founded a real estate developer and investment firm Fremont Group, of which he was CEO until 1995. He was succeeded at the contractor by his son, Riley P. Bechtel. In 2016, Brendan P. Bechtel—Riley's son and Stephen Jr.'s grandson—became chief executive, a post he continues to hold. Stephen Bechtel also served as a board director of IBM and General Motors Corp.

In a statement, Brendan Bechtel said of his grandfather, "In every aspect of his life, he was driven by his strong values and a vision for helping to build a better world, which continue to guide us in partnering with customers today."

小斯蒂芬·贝克特尔(Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.普渡大学的学位。然后,他在斯坦福大学学习,并获得了工商管理硕士学位。

Steve Jr. 's many recognitions include election to the National Academy of Engineering in 1975. and being named its first chairman in 1982. In 1990, he became a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Bechtel received the Hoover Medal in 1980, which recognizes civic and humanitarian contribution in engineering.

劳伦·达克斯(Lauren Dachs),他的女儿兼总裁S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation, said in December the entity he started in 1957 with $26,000 was "closing shop following a 12-year spend down that involved well over a billion dollars in grantmaking," particularly for programs in education and the environment.

普渡(Purdue)是普渡(Purdue),他在2015年的基金会“领导礼物”之后为小史蒂夫(Steve Jr.为工程和普渡大学理工学院的学生创建为“动手学习中心”。

加利福尼亚理工学院的校长托马斯·罗森鲍姆(Thomas F. Rosenbaum)是贝克特尔(Bechtel)是一名终身受托人,他说“他是一名动手的工程师和敬业的受托人,他带来了许多才华,以增强我们前沿研究和教育的交织任务。”

小史蒂夫(Steve Jr.)还是三位总统的六个美国总统委员会成员。乔治·H·W·总统布什(Bush)在1991年授予他全国技术与创新勋章,这是美国技术成就的最高奖项。