与1月6日致命的骚乱在美国国会大厦在立法者的思想中,国会大厦的建筑师J. Brett Blanton告诉众议院委员会,他支持国会大厦区域中“有针对性”的围栏,这些围栏被认为是最脆弱的。

Appearing at a March 11 House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the fiscal 2022 budget for the Architect of the Capitol operation, Blanton explained and defended his要求将其增加6700万美元,或8%,至8.65亿美元。


虚拟听证会上最令人恐惧的披露也许涉及布兰顿(Blanton)的680万美元请求,以更新他所谓的国会大厦的“ hodgepodge”火力支持系统。在国会山的袭击中,他描绘了潜在的灾难性火种箱的照片。

"To me, that was one of the scariest things once the breach happened." said Blanton. "If somebody decided that they were going to light something on fire, what would we have been able to do to get the people out, as well as prevent the facilities from burning down?”

Blanton also told the subcommittee that a lack of “financial support” for required COVID-19 mitigation measures throughout the Capitol campus has forced his office to dip into funds for critical infrastructure and security projects. Instead, Blanton has shifted funds to cover the cost of “enhanced cleaning” and personal protective equipment.



But he noted that officials have been decreasing the fence line “in small increments.” He added that the his office is working with the US Dept. of Defense and US Capitol Police to shrink it “as much as possible and allow as much access [to the Capitol] as possible.”

代理国会大厦警察局长在内的一些官员,包括Yogananda D. Pittman呼吁永久围栏around the Capitol. But Blanton’s security philosophy seems to be more in line with a congressional security review led by retired US Army Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré.




In response to Subcommittee Chairman Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) on how much a permanent fence solution would cost, Blanton said he “hates to be wishy-washy” but added that the cost depends on several variables, including how much area the fence will cover.



Blanton said his operation is working with the US Army Corps of Engineers on a comprehensive security assessment that incorporates “all the other studies that are out there and make sure that we can build it into one cohesive executable strategy.”



Deferred Maintenance

Blanton also told the subcommittee he is planning two legislative proposals to address how projects are funded. One would allow the Architect of the Capitol to use public-private partnerships. The other would authorize enhanced-use leases to lease underutilized property under the operation’s purview to private contractors to build such things as solar farms.

To start chipping away at a long-term $1.8-billion deferred-maintenance backlog, Blanton wants to develop an Enterprise Asset Management to help operate, maintain and renew facilities and infrastructure assets. The Architect of the Capitol oversees more than 18.4 million sq ft of facilities, 570 acres of grounds and thousands of works of art, according to its网站

As an example of deferred maintenance, Blanton told lawmakers that work to fix inoperable gates to the Rayburn House Office Building parking garage did not start until after the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

“I’m grateful that the mob didn’t know that there’s major areas of entrances [that] didn’t work,” Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.) told Blanton.