Crosstown Parkway Extension Design-Build Project | Submitted by RS&H Inc.
Region: ENR Southeast

所有者City of Port St. Lucie
Lead Design Firm/Structural/Civil EngineerRS&H Inc.
承包商Archer Western Contractors LLC (Walsh Group)
建造Engineering and InspectionConsor Engineers LLC

机组人员利用临时的栈桥和预制的桩帽来减轻环境条件和允许问题所带来的挑战,完成了佛罗里达州圣露西港的Crosstown Parkway扩展,提前两个月,预算提前两个月。

The 4,000-ft-long bridge and 1.5 miles of roadway improvements constitute a third crossing into Port St. Lucie that relieves traffic congestion and provides an additional hurricane evacuation route. The project transformed a residential street into a continuation of the Crosstown Parkway corridor, with three lanes in each direction divided by a landscaped median, bicycle lanes, meandering sidewalks and landscaped berms.

该走廊包括一个“ superstreet”十字路口,这是佛罗里达州的第一个交叉路口。SuperStreet是一个受限制的掉头交叉路口,专为主要道路交通量比在十字街上重得多的何时设计。

这座桥由佛罗里达I梁和现场甲板组成,穿越了一个高度环境敏感的区域,包括Savannas Preserve State Park。雷切尔·巴克(Rachel Back)说,这座桥坐落在300多个预应力的混凝土桩上,最大桩长为85英尺,雷切尔·巴克(Rachel Back)是设计建造团队的首席设计公司RS&H的业务发展和战略专家。

团队设计了从频道获得的岩土技术信息,并通过完成11英里外的类似桥梁获得了岩土技术。钻孔是从总体项目许可下的临时建筑栈桥获得的,消除了单独的许可证的需求。承包商的设计建造经理Brian Sparks说,Archer-Western在代托纳比奇的一座桥上做了类似的工作。

The project required restricted construction hours due to neighbors and US Highway 1. Two hurricanes affected the area during construction, requiring securing and clearing before construction could begin again.

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