The Century Project for the Space Needle | Submitted by Hoffman Construction Co.

领先设计公司奥尔森·昆迪格(Olson Kundig)
结构/MEP工程师(Top House翻新)阿鲁普
Subcontractors塞内卡集团;战斗管理咨询;Magnusson Klemencic Associates;Holaday-Parks Inc.;福尔摩斯;Front Inc。;Niteo;rdh;tihany设计;麦克维·奥克利(McVey Oakley); Fives Lund LLC; O’Brien & Co.; BrandSafway; Apex Steel; Breedt Tooling & Design

When Jeff Wright was about three years old, his father, Howard S. Wright, one of the five original partner owners and general contractor for the Space Needle, loaded him into a then-under-construction elevator and took him to the structure’s observation desk. With his father holding his ankles, Jeff lay on his stomach to peer over the Space Needle’s edge.


That memory, in part, inspired the Century Project—the Space Needle’s $100-million renovation to transform the disk, set 520 ft in the air, into a glass jewel box in the sky and give the landmark’s 1.3 million annual visitors the same gasp-inducing experience. The project’s design called for installation of 176 tons of glass material—196% more than the Space Needle originally had. The revamp includes floor-to-ceiling glass panels, an outdoor observation deck with open-air glass walls and glass benches and a glass-floor oculus at the base of a cantilevered steel, wood and glass staircase that connects to the Loupe, the world’s first and only rotating glass floor.

太空针的原始概念是为1962年世界博览会而建造的,是在象征太空时代的愿望和城市的创新精神的同时,欣赏西雅图的景色。景色始终是重点。But after 50 years of remodels and additions, including a cement barrier wall and wire cages, the landmark needed a modernization that would “get [that] out of the way,” expand views and reveal its internal structure by leaning on the Needle’s original sketches.

Alan Maskin, principal and owner of lead design firm Olson Kundig, came to appreciate that same view when, doing research, he and a colleague crawled between spaces under the Needle’s floor, where they found a hole that looked 500 ft straight down. “We made a point of saying to each other that this is a view that nobody has ever seen before, and what if we opened that up to the world and let people see the aspects of the innovations of the original architects, builders and engineers.”



The project presented enormous logistical challenges: demolition and construction set 500 ft in the air was like building a ship in a bottle, and Maskin says the construction might as well have been in outer space. “It really did feel like it could have been on the international space station—it felt like it could be that remote,” Maskin says. The disc’s limited workspace was accessible through only one of the Space Needle’s three elevators. At the same time, the owners wanted the Space Needle to remain open to the public during the renovation.

霍夫曼建筑公司项目经理鲍勃·文森特(Bob Vincent)和Enr 202新利18备用0年的前25名新闻记者之一,首先必须弄清楚如何为工人提供空间并将材料带入观察甲板。After rejecting the use of a giant, costly crane, the team recruited BrandSafway to create a suspended, retractable QuikDeck platform connected to the Needle’s upper structure, starting with a 16-ft-wide suspended platform ring in three sections, each connected with an 8-ft walkway.

为了避免白天打扰太空针头访问者,有25名船员在深夜将14吨,106英尺的新生平台吊起,并使用十几个两部分的拖拉机吊床将戒指500英尺放置在空中,每个容量为8,800磅。同时,十几名工人驻扎在上升平台的顶部,将其链接到位。然后,该平台全尺寸为135英尺,总重量为87吨。它的天气障碍可以承受115英里 /小时的风。霍夫曼估计,与传统脚手架和大型起重机相比,快速甲板系统的成本节省超过700万美元。

“Within days there was a windstorm, and it held up beautifully,” says John May, BrandSafway branch manager.


但是,如何将巨型玻璃面板置于平台和观察甲板的挑战中,Apex Steel帮助解决了这一任务。该公司与霍夫曼(Hoffman)合作,设计了定制的龙门起重机,该起重机位于针屋顶上,以抬起钢和玻璃面板,并最终拆除脚手架。公司总裁凯文·科斯特(Kevin Koester)说,独一无二的起重机的美丽是用零件抬起电梯,并在观察甲板上手工组装,是可以拆除和重复使用的。现在,它正在存储以备将来用来替换玻璃面板或其他更新。


Breedt Production Tooling and Design built a 5,600-lb glass-placement robot (nicknamed Ndulu) on the observation deck. Ndulu grabbed each panel through a suction-cup-like mechanism and maneuvered along a track to place the glass panels.

Spinning Wheel

在太空针头内,Fives Lund Llc的高级工程师兼项目经理Wade Morris研究了如何将地板转变为Loupe,这是世界上第一个也是唯一的旋转玻璃地板。地板以前旋转在传统的铁路式铁轨上安装在结构上,车轮连接到地板下面。新机构的192个尼拉敏齿轮安装在固定框架上,使地板可以符合太空针的运动和几何形状的变化。他估计地板的旋转组件重约80吨。地板由12个电动机旋转,每个电动机都有1/4马力和426:1齿轮的降低。莫里斯解释说,通过径向滑动以解释建筑物的不准确几何形状,从本质上“遵循”略微不完美的转盘。


The Space Needle’s designation as a Seattle landmark required the exterior look of the building to remain unaltered, creating a challenge to implementing the design of open floor views showcasing the turntable mechanics, elevators and ground below.

该项目的结构和建筑服务工程师Arup的助理Cress Wakefield说:“它总是旋转,但以前曾经是不透明的服务,因此玻璃确实需要重新考虑机械策略。”借助地板服务不再是选择,Arup使用计算流体动力学(CFD)分析设计了一项高架空气策略来优化设计。新的地板还需要结构改造,以适应玻璃的重量增加以及维护装载。

“The modern manufacturing capabilities really allowed the engineer and the architect to design and install glazing in sizes and locations that the original designers could only have dreamt of—and that’s how the extension of the views was realized, as well as the floor,” says Wakefield. It would not have happened “without the advance in the material science of glazing, and that is an innovation that will enable design and will be carried forward in a lot of other unique situations.”


奥尔森·昆迪格(Olson Kundig)的马斯金(Maskin)说,他的最大乐趣是看着游客体验太空针头。“It is one of the most visceral projects I will ever design, and it’s also the most interactive—people have to use their bodies,” says Maskin, noting he has never before made architecture that people want to touch, lie down on, dance on and peer over. He hears children cajole grandparents to take the first steps onto the glass floor. “Almost everyone goes a little bit further than they think they are going to go.”


