
ColoradoPueblo County is planning to build a 181,918-sq-ft, 670-beddetention facility.该项目的价值为9200万美元。Pueblo County Board of Commissioners, 215 W. 10th St., Pueblo, 81003. DR#20-00760241.

FloridaCollier Enterprises is planning to develop朗沃特村一个混合用途的项目,在那不勒斯的999英亩土地上。它将包括2,500个住宅单元,65,000平方英尺的零售和办公空间以及25,000平方英尺的公民,政府和机构建筑。它的价值在2亿至2.5亿美元之间。Collier Enterprises,ATTN:Jeff Birr,Naples Goodlette Road 2550,34103。DR#20-00748442。

KentuckyLaguna Development Corp.正在扩大Ellis Park Horse Racing Track在亨德森。第一阶段已经完成,第二阶段正在进行中。第三阶段的计划包括在赛道的南侧建造一家酒店,1,000个停车位,以及在终点线后面内场南部建造湖泊。涵盖开发,设计和构造有限责任公司已被选为设计构建器。第三阶段的价值在5000万至6000万美元之间。Laguna Development Corp.,14500 Central Ave. SW,Albuquerque,87121。DR#19-00729812。

LouisianaBayou Lafourche淡水区计划建造一个抽水设施在Donaldsville。该设施将从密西西比河传送1,500立方英尺的淡水到Bayou Lafourche。该项目是密西西比河重新引入Bayou Lafourche项目的组成部分,该项目旨在改善Bayou Lafourche的水质,该项目在2008年被Hurricane Gustav在2008年恶化。该项目的价值为6500万美元。Bayou Lafourche淡水区,ATTN:Hugh Caffery,董事长,1016 Saint Mary St.,Thibodaux,70301。DR#20-00803767。

马里兰州AquaCon, a Norwegian aquaculture firm, is partnering with the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology and the University of Maryland in planning to construct aSalmon Farm Aquaculture Facility在剑桥。与使用鱼笔的典型水产养殖业务不同,该设施将采用通过陆上大量储罐循环水的技术。该设施的规模约为34个足球场,每年能够生产15,000吨鱼。该项目的价值为3亿美元。University of Maryland, Attn: Yonathan Zohar, Project Manager, 200 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, 21202. DR#20-00682771.

密歇根州Gratiot Acquisition Partners LLC is planning to build找的零钱,a mixed-use building, at the intersection of Gratiot Avenue, Brush Street and Macomb Street in Detroit. The 16-story building will contain 153 apartments, 12 condominiums, and retail and office space on the ground floor. It is being designed by Ghafari and Parini, and LIFTbuild, a Barton Malow Co. subsidiary, has been chosen as the general contractor. Construction is expected to start in April 2021 and be completed by July 2022. The project is valued at $64 million.Gratiot Accerisition Partners,Bloomfield Hills富兰克林路7457号,48301。DR#20-00647038。

怀俄明州The city of Torrington is planning to make improvements to its污水处理厂解决出院允许生化氧和氨的合规性问题。该项目是由Trihydro Corp设计的。该项目的价值为2000万美元。Torrington市,2017年E. A St.,Torrington,82240。Dr#19-00772057。


North CarolinaKaterra has started building the索利斯农场公寓大楼在失速中。该综合大楼将包括五座三层楼的建筑物,总计370,915平方英尺和256套公寓,占地30.2英亩。开发商是Terwilliger Pappas Multifagily Partners Inc.该项目的价值在1500万至2500万美元之间。Katerra, 3740 Davinci Court, Peachtree Corners, Ga. 30092. DR#20-00630351.

威斯康星州Veridian Homes已开始建设Crescent Crossing,菲奇堡的20.9英亩住宅开发。It will include a mix of single family homes and duplexes, totaling 117 units. It has been designed by Vandewalle & Associates. The project is valued at between $15 million and $25 million.Veridian Homes, 6801 S. Towne Drive, Madison, 53713. DR#19-00907895.


Texas 3/23赛普拉斯 - 费尔银行独立学区正在寻求竞标者建造Administration Building and the Visual & Performing Arts Centerin Cypress. The administration building will be five stories and total 225,004 sq ft. The visual and performing arts center will have a 1,500-seat auditorium. The center will be three stories tall and total 87,039 sq ft. The buildings have been designed by PBK Architects. The project is valued at $93 million.赛普拉斯 - 费尔班克斯独立学区,休斯敦佩里路11430b,77064。DR#21-00498581。

伊利诺伊州3/23Robert Flubacker Architects Ltd., the owner’s agent, is seeking bids from general contractors interested in constructing aJaguar dealership buildingin Lake Bluff. The single-story, 109,775-sq-ft building will be located at 43 Shorewood Terrace. The project is valued at between $10 million and $15 million.Robert Flubacker Architects Ltd.,1835 Rohlwing Road,Rolling Meadows,60008。DR#20-00528800。
