通过Covid-19 Pandemase将许多新技术带入标准使用。TriCAX Technologies调整了其工人跟踪系统,以监控现场的社交偏移和处理联系跟踪。现在Skanska USA预防大流行时代超出了该技术的益处。

“Honestly I don’t think the world was ready for COVID-19, but Triax was there within weeks,” says Robert Hartelust, Skanska USA project executive and senior project manager for the CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Acute Care Center addition in Los Angeles. When COVID-19 regulations came down from the state government in March 2020, Hartelust adopted Triax’s wearable Proximity Trace clips to log worker locations on site, in addition to the safety monitoring Spot-r clips. “It provided us the data to do trace mapping at the end of the day. It’s really hard to say how we would have done it differently,” says Hartelust.
