
Little Island—the $250-million Hudson River Park Trust project primarily funded by the family foundation of Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg—literally takes the ideas of piers and parks to a new level. It uses precast concrete components that many experts thought could not be used in this manner; 3-ft-dia pilings as deep as 200 ft below the water; a flat, traditional pier under the pots; and MEP systems not normally used on a pier but that support the park’s 700-seat amphitheater, backstage area for actors and public restrooms.

“When I started working on the project, we weren’t really sure if it could be built,” says Celine Armstrong, Little Island project executive.

Planning for the project began in 2012, with “all the innovation and coordination happening through 2016 and 2017 between various team members before “construction really started in March 2018,” says Kevin Zimont, a project executive at construction management firm Hunter Roberts Construction Group.

Diller selected London architect Heatherwick Studio’s design after a competition, and the trust put together the local team including Arup, which provided structural, mechanical, electrical, civil and plumbing engineering as well as acoustics, safety and other consulting; cement precast solutions provider The Fort Miller Group; marine engineer Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers; marine contractor Weeks Marine; landscape architect Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects; and landscape contractor BrightView Landscape Development.

“We got involved at the very beginning,” says David Farnsworth, a principal at Arup, noting that the “scheme started out as an island around the time Superstorm Sandy” had hit New York City. The storm required a design change, and the team had to make sure the pier-park hybrid would “gently slope up above flood levels,” he says.

“One of the things we realized with the elevation gain was that it created a lot of unique geography.”

- 戴维·法恩斯沃思(David Farnsworth),校长,阿鲁普


“We wanted to [reduce] damage to the landscape, and Mueser also designed it to be resilient to wave action,” Farnsworth says.



The most visible of these are the pots, which look like the petal formation of a flower. “Petal” is particularly apt, considering the fabrication of the giant cups includes putting together pieces that are also called petals. The Hudson River Park Trust had much experience rebuilding old piers, and Farnsworth said the owner decided the pots should be made with precast concrete, which is effective against corrosion, salts and other destructive elements to a water-adjacent project.

A Complexity in Every Pot

Farnsworth says one Arup engineer was racking his brain, “trying to make them look like soap bubbles” while aligning with the designer’s wish that they avoid building “rows of marching columns in a straight line.” The answer was to use a “Cairo pentagon tilting pattern,” a geometric repeating pattern common to Middle Eastern art, and the massive containers would then be “stretched [upward] at varying heights,” Farnworth says.

The team used 39 sets of formworks made after extensive 3D computer modeling to create the 132 pots. Then they could reuse the formworks and, depending on the vertical plane of each pot, pour varying “petals”—about four to six for each cup. But finding a precast concrete solution provider that could do the job was more challenging than the computer modeling.

米勒堡(Fort Miller Co.)总裁斯科特·哈里根(Scott D.会对工作感兴趣。他说:“显然,他们被告知这个概念是疯狂的,不适合预制。”“听起来像我们的工作!”

“When you walk out to the park, you don’t even know the amphitheater is there until you get to the top.”

- 亨特·罗伯茨建筑集团项目主管项目主管Kevin Zimont



Eventually, Fort Miller outfitted a sister company with technology to mill and coat foam forms so workers could cast concrete on them. “A full one-third of our annual production capacity was displaced by this project,” Harrigan says, adding that his firm “essentially started a new business to serve our internal needs.”


对于“所有这些几何形状,我们都创建了3D模型,” Farnsworth说。他说,Arup工程师将建模用于详细介绍钢筋,例如Bar Bends,其中每一部分都“由Arup建模并以数字方式转移到Fort Miller”。阿姆斯特朗计划回忆说:“这是一个六到八个月的过程。”

Gather by the River

Because of their sheer size, the pots had to be assembled away from the shop. Individual petals were shipped by road from Fort Miller’s Schuylerville, N.Y., facilities to the Port of Coeymans on the Hudson River, 10 miles south of Albany and 100 miles north of New York City.

Weeks Marine would then take custody of the pieces, assemble them, weld the connecting plates and use a gantry crane to load four complete pods onto one barge. Sometimes workers would reach the end of the petal assembly process and realize, “Oh no, I’m off a half-inch,” Armstrong says. So the team would go around clockwise again until it was just right, then hold it in place and welds it together.


While the pots were being modeled, cast and assembled, marine contractors drove the pilings in stages, up to 200 ft below the river. Zimont says pilework required “a lot of planning and precision and a little bit of confidence.” The project includes a total of 267 cylinder piles, including those for the flat lower pier underneath the pots. They each support about 250 to 350 tons.

To ensure precast pilings would not tip over when topped, each had steel guide columns—metal tubes inside the hollow concrete piles, over which the pots were placed. “Because of the eccentricity of the pots and the possibility of a pot falling over, we had to develop a specific sequence of installation” of the cup onto the pile, Zimont says.

在两个季节中,有两件事需要驾驶桩:公园的限制和环境限制,该限制只允许在5月至11月进行哈德逊河上的此类工作。因此,在2018年的那几个月中,团队驾驶了164块桩,然后在接下来的淡季安装了第一组锅。Drive 103的第二任期发生了更多桩,发生在2019年5月到2019年7月。

While driving the piles, the team had to constantly probe for obstructions, then decide whether to remove the obstruction or remove the pile. Placement required extreme precision because the pots were designed to be 9 in. apart with a 3-in. variation, and also because there would be “significant cost and impact," Zimont says.

Green Pier, Theater Works


树一样高35英尺,12-in-dia树干,回答e harvested from nurseries and planted into 4 ft of soil in the pots. Reinforced concrete slabs beneath the dirt ensure that roots can’t penetrate and grow through the cup, Farnsworth says. Using other flora as well—shrubs, grasses and perennials—each corner of the park will represent a different microclimate depending on topography, sun exposure and wind patterns.

Jewel of the Job

But the “jewel of the job,” as Zimont puts it, is the 700-seat amphitheater, which the foundation has said will present affordable performances.

“When you walk out to the park, you don’t even know the amphitheater is there until you get to the top,” he says. “You’re looking over the river and the sun sets … the team and I have had some good times there, just talking about the job.”

The flat pier portion, which is under the biggest “hill” of the park, is “where we’ve nestled the public restrooms and the changing rooms for the actors who will perform in the theater,” Farnsworth says.

The flat pier also enabled the team to use a big crawler crane.

A working theater and a large public place both require lighting, electricity, plumbing and other systems. Installing these on a pier made for specific challenges.

“We had to model all of our utilities going up and over the slab surface,” Farnsworth says.

“The reality is because of the slopes of the park, and structural capacities of where we could and could not be on the park, that 2.4 acres really shrunk down to maybe one acre to have all those people, store material, install soil and make deliveries,” Zimont says.


“It’s a merry-go-round, almost, trying to get in and out of the park,” Zimont says.

The team’s extreme collaboration and precision went beyond what the firms had done before, according to those interviewed.

“Every day brought more challenges as the geometry was ever changing,” Harrigan says. “Our highly skilled carpenters and production associates were pushed to the limit.”


Essential Park

Little Island was considered an “essential project” that was not legally mandated to shut down during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the team paused for about three weeks to do “an entire deep clean” and bring in hot water stations, Armstrong says, calling it “a significant amount of protocol to keep workers safe.”

Adds Zimont: “We didn’t have any outbreaks out here.”


“One thing I hope this project is able to do is attract more people to step up and donate for open spaces,” Armstrong says. That’s what makes Little Island crucial, she adds, noting that the surrounding neighborhood is a “park desert.”

Even if New Yorkers weren’t dealing with quasi-quarantine conditions and in urgent need of large, outdoor public spaces, Armstrong says Little Island’s completion will be a boon to the industry because “it can make people think about innovative construction.”