Five offshore wind projects in active development, a $1-billion solar initiative and a $2-billion, 250-mile transmission system actively being procured to link renewable power to users are among ways the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority is making a clean energy impact for contractors and the public. NYSERDA also is ramping up local energy efficiency and renewable power incentives for business owners, developers, local governments and other stakeholders, serving as the key link in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s ambitious agenda to have 70% of the state’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

The unprecedented ramp-up includes a $4-billion investment in 91 large-scale renewable projects in the state and an 1,800% growth in the distributed solar sector since 2011. NYSERDA unveiled in February a three-year “strategic outlook” on efforts that combine its environmental approach for the future with what it hopes is a bold economic stimulus. “The convergence of crises in 2020 means the call to act on climate change and accelerate the energy transition has reached new levels of urgency, “ says Doreen Harris, acting president and CEO of NYSERDA since last summer.

“ 2020年危机的融合意味着要针对气候变化行事并加速能源过渡的呼吁达到了新的紧迫水平。”

—Doreen Harris, Acting President and CEO, NYSERDA

Offshore wind development is a key component. The agency has the largest U.S. offshore wind program, with the 4,300 MW now in development representing nearly half of the capacity needed to meet New York’s nation-leading goal of 9,000 MW by 2035.

一月份,尼塞尔达宣布将与Equinor Wind Us LLC签约,以开发两个新的海上风电场,距离长岛海岸20英里,纽约说是美国历史上最大的州可再生能源采购,并可能产生89亿美元的发展。完成后。自2018年以来,该公司和开发商Orsted将产生2500兆瓦的无碳能量,其遵循1,700兆瓦。

作为新项目的一部分,Equinor将在布鲁克林建造一个海上风力涡轮机登台设施和O&M Hub,以及在奥尔巴尼和长岛附近地区的其他新的和扩展的制造业。投资总计6.64亿美元,该州的目标是为每美元投资Equinor的每一美元创造3美元的私人投资,“将创建一个能够大规模制造,组装和分配这些项目的强大海上风供应链”新利18备用网址, president of the firm’s U.S. arm.

The New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act calls for 6,000 MW of solar capacity by 2025, with the $1-billion solar initiative advancing project scale-up. San Diego-based developer Borrego said it will develop a 110-MW utility-scale solar project in upstate Jefferson County, its largest to date and one of 20 awards the agency made for projects around the state.

Plans are also in place to construct New York’s Green Energy Transmission Superhighway, a 250-mile, $2-billion transmission system that will connect renewable energy systems in upstate New York and Canada with downstate areas and also modernize New York’s electric grid. NYSERDA has begun soliciting proposals for the project.

根据新的4层可再生能源计划。尼塞尔达(Nyerda)寻求最多1,500兆瓦或更多的清洁能源的投标,这些能源可以“有效,负责任地”交付给纽约市。从马塞纳(Massena)到克罗格(Croghan)的纽约电力管理局(New York Power Authority)的86英里智能路径已经开始建设,并将很快开始在纽约西部以及中森和首都地区的几个关键项目开始。新利18备用网址

With transportation sector emissions a major greenhouse gas source, the agency will also help expand electric vehicle charging stations in New York and other electrification efforts, for which it says the state has made a $1 billion investment. Proposals submitted for the first round of the $11-million Direct Current Fast Charger program are now being evaluated.

NYSERDA also has a role to boost municipal bus fleet conversion to electric power to progress toward a goal of 100% zero-emission fleets by 2035 and is part of a $20-million initiative with the State University of New York to launch the Offshore Wind Training Institute to train 2,500 workers with the specialized skills involved in wind and renewable energy construction.

In 2020, NYSERDA also launched two statewide cleantech accelerators offering a variety of business support services, including seed money to build or grow a clean energy business to propel supply-chain development.

新泽西州的能源官员也有雄心勃勃的清洁能源议程seeks to be an Atlantic coast industry hub,请注意班级协作的需求。州公用事业委员会主席乔·菲奥尔达里索(Joe Fiordaliso)告诉ENR。新利18备用“我们谁都跑不了。”

NYSERDA also is addressing emissions from buildings, which account for 30% of greenhouse gases produced, it says. The RetrofitNY program, cited as the first of its kind when launched in 2018, is intended to create a new industry that can deliver replicable net-zero, or near net-zero energy retrofits to residential building stock at scale. Energy efficient retrofit products designed through the program provide multi-family buildings cost-effective ways to cut emissions and reduce residents’ energy costs while making homes more comfortable, according to NYSERDA.

同时,Nyserda的承包商网络对该州的清洁能源建设的未来感到乐观。能源负担能力公司协会执行董事Dave Hepinstall是自1996年以来一直与Nyserda合作的首选代理商承包商。现在用电动泵转换为电热的蒸汽系统。

“NYSERDA certainly gets the best of the best [among contractors], because not everyone is qualified.”

- 能源负担能力公司协会执行董事Dave Hepinstall


He says the future of clean energy in New York depends on a lot of variables. “It’s really important now that utilities are involved in this process and that they’re being allowed to work collaboratively,” Heppinstall says. “I’m optimistic, but we have barriers in clean energy that can only be overcome with workforce development.”

Stratco Property Solutions总裁Robert Sedaghatpour说,Nyserda为短期和长期提供了机会之窗。他说,该机构“拥有总体上最好的清洁能源项目之一”。新利18备用网址“与他们开展业务有一条学习曲线,但我们都致力于同样的目标。”

Cosentini Associates高级副总裁Scott R. Ceasar更广泛地研究了未来的能源过渡挑战,他认为“在建筑物中采用非化石燃料技术的最大障碍是,用电力进行热量的能源成本仍然是比用天然气加热要贵得多。”

He adds that as the New York electric grid converts to renewable sources with the help of NYSERDA funding, “the cost of power will decrease to where it will be more economical than fossil fuel combustion.”