
For the top 40 projects within the list of 60 ranked, compiled mostly from Dodge Data & Analytics as well as from information submitted by firms, the total cost of projects was $6.17 billion. That’s a steep drop of almost 62% from the $16.22 billion value of the largest 40 projects that began construction in 2019. But some sectors fared better than others.

Looking at the largest 60 starts, many project types fell under what was considered “essential construction” by both states’ governments: affordable housing, schools, health and medical facilities, infrastructure and utilities.




By January 2021, NJBPU announced the completion of the first solar community project in New Jersey. Located in Perth Amboy, it was built by Solar Landscape as part of the board’s solar energy pilot program.

“It’s specifically for our low- and moderate-income communities,” NJBPU President Joseph Fiordaliso says. He sees adoption of solar as a two-pronged approach, from small projects catering to specific communities to large projects that provide energy to the whole state or grid.


The board’s solar energy pipeline as of Jan. 31 comprises 12,643 projects, including 42 for communities and 10 for grid supply. The state currently has 149,565 solar projects installed, “more solar projects than any state in the union,” Fiordaliso says. He imagines former brownfields will become sites for massive solar arrays.

阳光遮盖的阳光可能是风,至少是关于新泽西州庞大的未来海上风能项目的头条新闻。新利18备用网址计划继续以160亿美元的1,100兆瓦海风,位于大西洋近海和建造的Byh Orsted的17英里,该风在2019年赢得了合同。Fiordaliso表示,该州将授予“第二次招标”,以授予“第二次征求”海上风风。5月或6月初,最多可提供2400兆瓦的风能。

“I don’t see wind groundbreaking this calendar year, but I do see the federal government awarding permits at a faster pace under the Biden administration,” he says.

In 2020, NJBPU and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority also approved $6 million more for offshore wind and other clean energy projects. This includes increasing the state’s network of electric vehicle charging stations from 300 today to more than 1,000 that are publicly accessible by the end of 2025.


Public Housing Improvements

与公用事业和基础设施一起,经济适用房项目并没有受到大流行引起的关闭的负面影响。新利18备用网址在该地区最高启动名单上的第七名是纽约市住房管理局(New York Housing Authority)的资本项目计划管理和更换新利18备用网址锅炉和热水热水器。

该机构在以下住房开发项目上花费了约2.24亿美元来进行这些改进:Sotomayor,Farragut Houses,Taft Houses,Cypress Hills,Long Island Baptist,Robinson Houses,Robinson Houses,Fiorentino Plaza,Morris I和II和II和Morrisania。

According to a submission by AECOM, which is on the project management team, old heat and hot water systems “were often prone” to failures and leaks and would go “offline for extended periods of time to make repairs, causing residents to suffer through extended periods of unreliable heat and water service.”

The buildings now or soon will have new energy efficient boilers and “modified heating and hot water systems” that will need less fuel, be able to be turned off during summertime, have improved maintenance processes and reduce wear and tear, the submission says.

在珀斯·安博伊(Perth Amboy),在大流行期间,基础设施的工作仍在2.479亿美元的Raritan River Bridge替换GC-01上,该GC-01排名第6位。根据AECOM的另一项项目提交的另一项项目,与莫特·麦克唐纳(Mott MacDonald)的合资企业是项目团队的一部分,这座可移动的摇摆桥桥是大多数北泽西海岸线站与纽瓦克和曼哈顿的唯一联系。

Vertical Lift Bridge


The replacement will be a vertical lift bridge “providing a new two-track movable span” across the river. The structure will link back to the existing North Jersey Coast Line mainline tracks at its northern and southern ends. The project is slated to be completed in October 2024.