Improved U.S. Infrastructure in the past several years brought its grade up in the last four years—but only to a "mediocre" C- from D+—says the American Society of Civil Engineers in its new infrastructure Report Card.



美国运输秘书PETE Buttigieg表示,报告卡结果“告诉我们我们已经知道的东西 - 我们有很长的路要走......我们已经过去允许基础设施一周再次成为华盛顿策略的程度。”

[查看报告摘要hereand full reporthere。]

With increased funding in recent years, grades went up in aviation, drinking water, energy, inland waterways and ports infrastructure sectors, but bridges did worse in the latest review, with its grade dipping to C, from C+ in 2017—the only category to decline.

ASCE Executive Director Thomas Smith pointed to Insufficient funding from multiple sources as the prime reason for the middling C- score. “There’s a lot of different parts to this solution, however, he said, "That funding comes from federal, state, local [governments] and also the private sector.”

Some non-funding actions can have an impact, too. Smith pointed to expediting regulatory permitting that considers a project’s life-cycle costs up front, rather than just a focus on initial project expense


Biden had said he would announce the proposal in February but that date has slipped, with greater focus now on his $1.9-trillion American Rescue Plan bill, which the House has approved and the Senate has begun debating.


“我们有一个令人难以置信的机会,可以考虑如何向社区提供运输产品......重新思考政策使其基础工人更方便,“伊利诺伊州 - 爱荷华四川省伊罗基市总经理Jeff Nelson表示。

Elizabeth Shuler,Acl-Cio秘书财务主管指出,这个国家的许多1250万元工人处于前线基本角色,“但同时许多人经历了工作岗位和经济辐射的损失。”推迟维护和基础设施投资有一个每一天都直接产生负面影响。“由于交通拥堵,囚犯引用了港口工人“花费数小时的时间等待工作”的例子。

She added: "That’s exactly why we need to be big and bold, pointing to America’s history of building big, including the Interstate system.


“I often say we ought to be ashamed—we took a 30-40-year infrastructure vacation in this country,” he said, adding that ancestors "are turning over in graves because we didn’t take care of what they built.”

Noting that infrastructure encompasses not just transportation and water, but also broadband, Washington said: “Do we want kids in rural and urban areas sitting around a McDonald’s to do their homework because the wi-fi is there?”

That message rang true for virtual attendees, when the transportation session was delayed for a few minutes because the panel was knocked off line.

Maria Lehman, GHD Inc. infrastructure lead, expressed confidence that a sustained federal commitment to infrastructure investment will happen.

“我这次觉得它在我的骨头上,”她说,引用了大流行,气候变化,经济危机和公平。“所有这些的解决方案正在投资基础设施。”她补充说,基础设施“不再处于中期危机 - 它处于旧时危机。”

Buttigieg说我缺乏基础设施投资s a disadvantage to the U.S. in the global context adding that the administration is focused right now on the recovery aspect, which includes preserving existing transit systems. While transportation will include development of “futuristic things that capture the sizzle,” such as commercial space travel, electric vehicles and drones, he said, “there is unglamorous work to do as well … it’s just as economically powerful just to fill that hole in the road.”

Asked by moderator Kristina Swallow, director of the Nevada Dept. of Transportation, if there is enough political will in government, he said, “The American people want us to do this. Infratructure is already one of the most bipartisan things this administration is taking on."

Buttigieg emphasized that “what we call freedom is inseparable from our choices about transportation infrastructure, water infrastructure, and increasingly digital infrastructure.”