当Kitchell承包商项目总监Phil Glenn首次参观Valleywise Health的新公用事业工厂的地点时,设计了为其在凤凰城的Roosevelt校园提供动力 - 他认为该计划听起来很疯狂。


Valleywise’s ambitious plan to place the campus’ central utility plant—a compact maze of pipes and conduits connecting five chillers, 10 boilers, five cooling towers and three electrical generators—inside an aging warehouse was only part of its campus transformation. To the northwest, a new acute-care hospital is rising more than 200 ft to replace the current medical center built in 1967.


Owners Valleywise and Maricopa County decided the central location of the 40,000-sq-ft warehouse made it the best available site to feed the new utility grid serving the medical campus. Building a new facility on the site of the warehouse was not an option, since the work could not disrupt the ongoing delivery of materials and supplies from the warehouse to the hospital, Glenn says.

So to support the plant’s heavy machinery and piping, the construction team built a 20,000-sq-ft steel structure inside the warehouse. “The warehouse ceiling was never intended to support anything like we put in there,” Glenn says. “It’s a wood roof structure. We’re talking about 30-inch-diameter water pipes, really heavy stuff that has to be suspended from above.”

Kitchell项目经理Jimmy Curran说,工人拆除了板层基础并安装了新的设备垫,以及2英尺厚的混凝土隔离基地,以支持冷却器和发电机。隔离基础有助于保护正在进行的供应链操作(现在被塞入建筑物内部的三分之一)免受工厂噪音和振动的影响。


They also built a new roll-up door for the plant’s five 1,500-ton chillers. The plant includes two 20,000-gallon diesel fuel tanks and five boilers, each boiler with an output of about 5.4 million BTUs. The steel superstructure is designed to accommodate another chiller, generator and two more boilers, enough equipment to power a second hospital tower, if needed.


The utility plant project started in July 2019, and by the time the COVID-19 pandemic hit the following March, the plant’s major equipment and material were in place, with workers setting up electrical cables, installing insulation and adding finishing touches, Curran says. But a vital task still remained at the end: connecting the campus buildings one by one to the plant.

“The testing is where it hurt us a lot from the pandemic side,” Curran says. “Only two or three employees could do the type of testing and start-up that was required. They’d gotten exposed [to the virus] and so had to quarantine for a time.”





对于Valleywise,Maricopa县和社区,迫切需要一座新的急诊医院塔。罗斯福街(Valleywise Health)医疗中心仅有仅有的两家安全网络医院之一,主要为贫困和无保险的患者提供服务,并设有一个主要的烧伤治疗中心。但是,直到2014年通过一项耗资9.35亿美元的选民债券措施来改变该地区的安全网卫生系统之前,资金一直很少。

该项目的建筑经理Vanir Construction Management Inc.的项目总监Rebecca Pyrz表示,债券融资带来了自己的限制。这种债券对如何使用资本以及何时可以提取债券为项目的某些方面提供严格规定。



“There were no offices, it was all open, we would all be together, working through problems together,” Glenn says. “We got it all set up in the first week of March 2020 and planned a big team barbecue.”



“Some ideas don’t come out as freely over Zoom,” Glenn says. “So much of our communication is nonverbal. In person, you can tell if someone is not comfortable with something and you can try to get to the heart of it.”

Clear communication between the team and the project’s designers—Cuningham Group and EYP’s Houston office—is vital, Glenn says. Valleywise had arranged for the architects to deliver a phased design so that construction could begin in early 2019.



Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the tower is on track for its planned September 2022 opening, hitting every milestone, such as the Feb. 25 topping out. The 203-ft-tall tower will include 14 levels and 10 patient stories, replacing the current seven-floor hospital. The entire Valleywise Roosevelt campus project is estimated to be complete in 2023.

One major feature added last year to the tower’s blueprints is an entire pandemic floor, designed to provide negative exhaust that can be flipped on mechanically to isolate the area. The team wrote up a new sequence of operations and incorporated the designs into the construction schedule without delaying anything.
