After attending an Oval Office meeting with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, a group of top labor union officials said they voiced support for Biden’s promised economic recovery plan—which is expected to include a heavy emphasis on infrastructure—and his new actions to strengthen registered apprenticeship programs, many of which are affiliated with unions.


In评论at the outset of the meeting, Biden gave the union presidents a warm welcome and added, “I think we have an incredible opportunity to make some enormous progress in creating jobs—good-paying jobs, Davis-Bacon and prevailing-wage jobs—to rebuild the infrastructure of this country in a way that everybody knows has to be done.”

AFL-CIO总统Richard Trumka在会议后的陈述中表示,“对于劳动的人来说,这是多年来最富有成效的椭圆形办事处。”

Trumka added, “As we made clear today, America can only build back better if unions are doing the building.”




He added, "We are eager to work hand in hand with our communities in mutual aid to provide relief from the pandemic.

北美建筑贸易工会总裁Sean Mcgarvey表示,除疫苗援助外,联盟总统还讨论了“退休保障,能源政策,基础设施投资和中产阶级通路”。

The reference to "retirement security" may refer to unions' push for steps to strengthen ailing multiemployer-pension plans. Multiemployer plans are common in construction's unionized sector. Over the past few years, plans to alter the program have been floated but none has won congressional approval.


Liuna的O'Sullivan也很高兴地再次竞争地说明他对润版注册学徒计划的支持。在建设中,他们包括联合工会和专业 - 承包商组织共同运营的培训计划。

The union officials also welcomed Biden's重申他的背衬for anapprenticeship bill that the House passed on Feb. 5。它将授权3亿美元超过五年,以扩大一系列行业,包括建设的培训计划。参议院还没有采取行动的学徒票据。

The labor leaders also said they had stressed the importance they place on having Congress pass the Protecting the Right to Organize, or PRO Act. The measure contains a long list of changes that unions are seeking in federal labor law, including ending the prohibition on secondary boycotts.

But the PRO Act, which was reintroduced in early February in the House and Senate, has been strongly criticized by business groups, such as Associated Builders & Contractors and the Associated General Contractors of America.

Unions and Biden have generally been on the same page on many issues.

But one exception is the president's Jan. 21 decision to cancel the federal permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline. In a statement issued that day, McGarvey said that the building trades were "deeply disappointed" by that action, saying that resulted in the loss of more than 1,000 union jobs.


但在A.Facebook post,联合普通总统,联合兴业协会和美国和加拿大管道配线和管道配件行业学徒总裁马克·麦克马斯曼斯表示,他“敦促总统采取以上能源的全新方法”。该术语提到包括源自油和天然气的能量。