
Oracle's Construction Intelligence Cloud Service is a new product from the company, which can examine past project data and provide users with advice on their current and future projects. Intended as an AI "advisor," the service will provide bespoke advice to companies based on their past scheduling and project data, says Karthik Venkatasubramanian, vice president of data science and analytics at Oracle Construction and Engineering. "The industry standard is P6 data, which we're now using to do analytics and make predictions," he says.

该系统将链接到公司的P6和其他项目数据,并将提供有关当前和未来项目的建议。新利18备用网址Venkatasubramanian说:“它将提供的见解和情报将促使变化。”“ [客户]将开始提前考虑延误,并采取积极的步骤来应对风险。”

尽管基本的商业智能仪表板已经能够就某些价值何时出现的何时发出一般性警告,但Venkatasubramanian表示,Oracle Cloud Advisor走得更远,看着数十个指标以生成建议。他说:“现在的因素数量为70多,这将不断增长。”“数据越好,越广,我们可以考虑时间表的质量:这是在面前吗?这是提高计划质量的领域。”调度和计划的问题,包括项目资源的分配,是顾问旨在在此过程中捕捉的一个领域。

文卡塔萨布拉曼尼亚补充说,演示的I advice is designed to be easily understood. Rather than present a dense report, it can instead show basic indicators on the likelihood of a project getting derailed or otherwise delayed. "The focus is on accessible machine learning, that [customers] feel comfortable using."


P6 integration is a key feature, adds Venkasubramanian. “You can go back to the P6 schedule it's advising you about. It will take you to the project and to the right screen. But it’s up to the individual manager for the project what do with it. We will not make the change for them [in the schedule].”

它的质量of an AI advisor, and not an AI decision-maker, that Venkatasubramanian says is key. "Are you worried about the risk of delay on your project, is that something you want to fix? These things rely on human intuition," he explains.

现在可以使用Cloud AI顾问,Venkatasubramanian表示,该公司计划在明年进一步扩大其功能。