Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. has begun replacing the Virgin River Bridge No. 1 on Interstate 15 near the town of Littlefield in northwest Arizona. Kiewit is working as construction manager at risk for the $56-million Arizona Dept. of Transportation project.

“The contractor and its team will be replacing the bridge in its entirety and modifying the existing five-span structure to a three-span structure in the process, thus eliminating two columns and associated foundations in the river bottom,” says Brenden Foley, ADOT’s assistant district engineer of construction for the Northcentral District.


The Kiewit team also will erect a three-span temporary bridge above the river for construction access to build the bridge, explains Kiewit project manager Matt Lacey.

ADOT has divided the project into two main phases: a construction phase of 900 calendar days for demolition of the old bridge and construction of the new one, followed by a one-year landscape establishment phase to monitor and maintain the revegetation process.




In phase three, traffic will shift to the completed northbound lanes to share that portion of the bridge, with one lane in each direction, while Kiewit constructs the southbound lanes.



“The proximity of the river and numerous protected species and plants requires a comprehensive environmental management program,” Lacey explains.

All construction is scheduled for completion in May 2024. Standard penalties apply if work is not completed within the allotted time frame, and no early delivery incentive is included, Foley says.

第一号桥梁的重建继续在2014年初开始在七个I-15 Virgin River Bridges上进行一系列ADOT康复项目。新利18备用网址7已完成,最近一次是在2016年进行了重建第6号桥梁,其中包括扩大和替换上层建筑。

