

据顾问称,三分之一的受访者表示,他们的合同不是为了解决199事件的影响 - 部分是由于解释了对不可预见的事件的责任,并依赖对不可抗力条款的依赖


Respondents split evenly as to whether COVID-19 led to more contract disputes, with 63% reporting the need to seek contractual guidance from government officials due to uncertainties. About 49% report they are adding up to 10% extra for COVID-19 related costs in bid submissions.

Nearly one year into the pandemic, “we still do not have enough clarity on the liability within construction contracts,” says Nick Jones, Turner & Townsend associate director for contract services. “This needs to be addressed, and quickly," he adds, particularly with new projects moving forward as nations push for economic recovery.

"If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that all parties will now want to ensure clarity for COVID-19 event liability through the drafting of expressly worded contract terms, he says, and that owners “ may also be looking to address the current imbalance of risk and responsibility for the future.
