Photo courtesy of SHA
Inspectors found 40 to 50 cracks in 13 concrete pier caps.

Concrete pier caps supporting three bridges on the new Intercounty Connector (ICC) in Maryland may have to be rebuilt following the discovery of cracks by Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA) inspectors.

According to a project spokesman, 40 to 50 cracks ranging from .005 to .035 in wide, and 7 in to 3 ft 8 in long, were found in 13 pier caps in bridges spanning three separate roadways. While MSHA has determined that bridges are safe, the suspect caps will be reinforced with tensioned steel wire until a long-term solution is found

三个立交桥是7.2英里第一阶段的25.6亿美元收费公路的一部分,这是过去2月份的交通。它们是由金属花岗岩施工有限公司的合资企业的Intercounty构造师建造的。Corman Construction Inc.;和g.a.&F.C.Wagman Inc.,帕森斯运输集团和雅各布人提供设计服务。

MSHA claims that Intercounty Constructors’ designers used an inaccurate model to determine the number of steel reinforcing rods necessary to sufficiently support the bridge’s structural loads. The agency adds that Intercounty Constructors will pay for the caps’ repair or replacement after the full extent of the flaws has been determined.

MSHA检查员在剩余的11英里的ICC仍在建设中没有发现类似的缺陷。整个高速公路连接I-270/370和I-95 / I-95 / Route 1位走廊,距离华盛顿州D.C.,计划于2012年初完成。