
ENR Investigates现在,疫苗就在这里,必须就个人正确的决定做出决定。一家大型A-E公司的董事长在秋天告诉我们:“我一定会尽快接种疫苗。”他说,他发现疫苗犹豫不决,被称为令人困惑,因为这意味着人们正在抵制一种保护自己和家人的方法。“实际上,”他继续在诊所进行共同测试时继续说:“我的护士不确定她会接种疫苗。这些人正在为我们提供医疗保健指导!”

Another reader was mainly concerned with how the rapidly developed vaccines would affect and interact with the human immune system. “My family members have a tendency towards a number of autoimmune disorders and severe allergies, and I am affected too,” she wrote. She took pains to point out that she did not harbor extreme anti-vax views and that she approached skeptically anything she read about the subject on social media. Although she said she understood mandatory vaccines were for “the greater good,” she said she “would quit any job that required any type of vaccine.”

在过去的两个月中,发生了更多事情。The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that construction workers wait behind other essential workers and get vaccinated in the rollout’s phase 3. And while Americans have been lining up for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in what is admittedly a slow and uneven rollout, Johnson & Johnson is seeking emergency approval in the U.S. for its vaccine. Meanwhile, new virus variants are taking hold.
