
然而长久以来,我们不得不羡慕欧洲和一个sia transit development as their nations built safe, innovative and more cost-efficient systems. The new administration can return the U.S. to a leadership role in transit—not only to catch up with the rest of the world but also to assure that systems are more resilient to climate change and fulfill a national goal of economic equity.


凭借19日的199号大流行,乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统希望为更强大的经济“重新建立”,将主要的基础设施计划视为推动美国新优先事项的引擎。现在是由计划,工程和建筑专业人士以及州,地方和行政官员进行的重要合作领导的全面国家运输流动计划的时候了。

The American Public Transit Association has highlighted the need for $32 billion in emergency public-transit relief funding for public agencies that have continued to provide service despite significantly reduced ridership and revenue and dramatically higher operating and maintenance costs.

总统和运输部长皮特·巴特吉格(Pete Buttigieg)应邀请非党派运输专业人员为拟议项目创建正式的同行评审程序;新利18备用网址有关设计,建筑,采购和人员配置的建议;并确定在美国的资金公平分配

The Trump administration’s 2016 infrastructure “priority list” can be a starting point to identify projects, but the focus now must be on an immediate pandemic response that considers future climate-change impacts and social justice disparities.

New Priorities

President Biden’s executive order restoring the U.S. as a Paris Climate Accord signatory is one key move to slow climate-change effects. Reducing traffic congestion by investing in transit can further demonstrate the country’s commitment.

The Build Back Better initiative needs all communities represented, particularly those of color and those economically disadvantaged to help shape projects and systems. Our investments must also ensure more attention to system safety, targeted economic development and equal employment goals.


Experienced peer reviewers should advise DOT on priority projects from the long list of backlogged infrastructure work, focused on need and wise spending.

Projects such as the Hudson River tunnel replacement, which has languished due to political fears about its cost, should be restructured into a phased project. That was done for New York City’s Second Avenue Subway, which has allowed vital components to proceed with an initial reduced funding requirement.

This process should also encourage modern contracting practices to expedite projects. Internationally, the industry has fostered innovative public/private partnerships (P3) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) techniques to advance projects with speed and efficiency. Procurement and project management systems must reflect construction industry best practices to keep priority work on time and on budget.

成功的关键将是我dentify shovel-worthy projects using a transparent approach that keeps the process on a firm track but still provides all sides with confidence in the need. Peer reviews should independently evaluate an owner’s project cost estimate and schedule based on real-world experience, local factors and assurance these will be maintained throughout the work.




新利18备用网址南加州拉斯维加斯Xpresswest等项目,现在称为Brightline West。佛罗里达州的Brightline East都应支持大量的私人融资,以将高速区域铁路带到美国现代高铁可以提供安全,舒适的旅行,污染比空中或汽车旅行更少,而且通常更快,更少比其他模式昂贵。此外,正在研究的本地项目,例如纽约市的布新利18备用网址鲁克林皇家连接器有轨电车新利18备用可以在新计划下进步。

A Biden administration push for a pandemic relief program focused on developing rail infrastructure at a reasonable cost that keeps us safe and builds sustainable employment, a climate-resilient network and a stronger, fairer economy will make Build Back Better more than just a snappy campaign slogan.


请与MTA Capital Construction总裁Mysore Nagaraja联系。consultmysore@gmail.com;霍华德·萨克尔(Howard Sackel)sackcongrp@aol.com;and Robert W. Previdi, former NYC Transit spokesman, atrobertwprevidi@gmail.com.