Canadian energy giant Enbridge now has gained two court rulings allowing work to proceed on its disputed $2.6-billion Minnesota oil pipeline replacement project, but political actions could still cloud completion of Line 3 work amid President Joe Biden’s first-day decision last month to cancel the cross-border Keystone XL line.

Precision Pipeline, a unit of U.S. contractor MasTec, began construction Dec. 1 on the Enbridge Minnesota section. The rulings upheld two denials in December by state regulators to halt construction. Nearby tribes and environmental group opponents want the Biden administration to stop all work by revoking its federal water-crossing permit.

但引发新的争议over the Keystone-XL cancellation, with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) , chaiirman of the Senate Energy Committee,要求拜登逆转his project halt in a Feb. 9 letter, with a similar request also that day from14共和党总检察长,who say the decision threatens "devastating damage" to communities and add that they are weighing new "legal options." Legislation from Republicans to counteract the president's order also have been introduced in the Senate and House.

In the Enbridge case, the U.S. court found Feb. 8 that “the balance of harms and public interest considerations to be a close call,” but noted “persuasive evidence” from the US Army Corps of Engineers that using the old pipeline would be a bigger safety and enviironmental risk.




Precision Pipeline是佛罗里达州珊瑚山墙的单位MASTEC,开始工作于12月1日在明尼苏达州部分开始工作,第3行大修已经在加拿大一侧和其他美国部分完成。

塞拉俱乐部北星分会的州董事玛格丽特·莱文(Margaret Levin)在一份声明中说:“拜登政府一劳永逸地取消该项目。”

A group of Minnesota state lawmakers. in an op-ed in the Star Tribune newspaper, called on Biden to do this by “directing the Army Corps of Engineers to revoke the project's water crossing permit,” referring to its Nationwide-12 federal permit.

Biden has not publicly commented on the case, and an administration spokesperson did not directly respond to a Feb. 4 press briefing question on the Minnesota court decision.



He added that “Canada’s strong climate plan and regulatory regime ensure Canadian products flowing through this pipeline are produced to the highest environmental standards.”

与Keystone XL的决定有关,艾伯塔省总理杰森·肯尼(Jason Kenney)预计将根据北美自由贸易协定的仍然存在的规定寻求赔偿,与该省去年在该项目中的12亿美元投资有关。该协议在特朗普政府中被美国 - 墨西哥 - 加拿大协议取代。但是根据观察家的说法,这种索赔要求项目所有者TC Energy参与,这可能是一个艰难的程序。

恩布里奇(Enbridge)发言人朱利·凯尔纳(Juli Kellner)表示:“取代第3行是安全性和维护...管道改进,将在未来几十年来保护明尼苏达州的水域和环境。这也是州历史上研究最多的管道项目。”


While work is set to finish by the end of 2021, the two courts have yet to hear the merits of the tribes' cases, with oral arguments set for March in the state court.

红湖民族律师乔·普勒默(Joe Plumer)在一份声明中说,“非常失望的是,明尼苏达州法院对雇用外城管道工人的雇用比对该地区环境造成的不可弥补的危害所做的重量更大。

同时,明尼苏达州安全与卫生局的发言人2月5日证实,其调查持续到12月18日,乔治·维拉弗特三世(Jorge Villafuerte III)死于犹他州的工会管道工人,该项目由Precision Pipeline雇用,他在建筑中被杀害,他在建筑中丧生。院子叉车碰撞。
