
1月28日陈述released the same day Capitol Police arrested an armed 71-year-old West Virginia man near the building who had 20 rounds of ammunition, according to媒体报告

“In light of recent events, I can unequivocally say that vast improvements to the physical security infrastructure must be made to include permanent fencing, and the availability of ready, back-up forces in close proximity to the Capitol,” Pittman said in the statement. She added, “I look forward to working with Congress on identifying the security improvements necessary to ensure the safety and security of the Congress and the U.S. Capitol.”

Several building security experts interviewed by ENR immediately after Jan. 6asserted围绕国会大厦综合体的永久安全措施应平衡安全性和可访问性与国家最明显的民主象征。

华盛顿特区托马斯·冯(Thomas Vonier)说:“这座建筑物没有失败:安全反应失败了。”

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle echoed Vonier.


Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser tweeted that extra temporary security measures are needed for “some potentially volatile events upcoming," but she will not accept "permanent fencing as a long-term fixture in D.C. When the time is right, the fencing around the White House and U.S. Capitol, just like the plywood we've seen on our businesses for too long, will be taken down.”



After being named acting chief on Jan. 8, Pittman ordered her staff to conduct a physical security assessment of the Capitol Complex. The Capitol Police's Inspector General, along with a third-party, are also reviewing the Complex’s “physical infrastructure, processes and command and control,” according to Pittman.

She added, “I welcome each of these reviews, and I am ensuring that the Dept. will provide all of the information that is necessary to facilitate these studies. In the end, we all have the same goal—to prevent what occurred on Jan. 6 from ever happening again.”