Keystone XL开发人员TC Energy取消了漫长的加拿大至U.S的建筑。石油管道于1月20日在乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统移居以撤销该80亿美元项目的总统许可证后,这是他的第一批行动和长期的竞选承诺。


The Canadian energy firm says it will review Biden’s decision on the permit, needed for the 1,178-mile line to cross the border, and will consider its options. Biden said the permit “is not consistent with my administration’s economic and climate imperatives."

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在2017年重新发行了基斯通许可证(Keystone许可证),这是在前任巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)拒绝的两年后。

该公司表示,该决定将导致至少1,000名工会工人的裁员,并结束一项承诺 - 1月17日与北美建筑物工会一起宣布,以增加可再生能源来源,以“实现净零排放量项目操作。”

TC Energy,Unions和Canadian官员将该项目吹捧为增强了北美能源安全,并为多达40,000个工作岗位提供了支持。

该线将每天将约830,000桶原油载入到美国墨西哥湾沿岸的现有管道上。TC Energy于8月与运营工程师,劳动者,团队手和管道工会签署了一项项目劳动协议,以创造多达10,000个建筑工作。

In a strongly worded Jan. 21 statement, building trades President Sean McGarvey said unions “are deeply disappointed” in the quick Biden decision. “Environmental ideologues have now prevailed, and over 1,000 union men and women have been terminated from employment on the project.”

Tim Michels, vice president of pipeline contractor Michels Corp., said at a Jan. 22 press briefing held at the firm’s Keystone project site in Wisconsin, claiming that Biden’s decision to halt work would cost the state up to $3 billion in revenue. TC Energy hired Michels to build eight pump stations in Montana, South Dakota, Oklahoma and Texas, according to the contractor. The firm said it had been set to finish work by April.


省级总理杰森·肯尼(Jason Kenney)表示,取消许可证将损害两国之间的关系。根据媒体报道,他和萨斯喀彻温省总理斯科特·莫(Scott Moe)呼吁对美国进行赔偿,甚至对美国进行制裁。

加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)在对基斯通(Keystone)行动后与拜登(Biden)会面,他说,加拿大为该项目提出了案子,并补充说:“虽然我们欢迎总统对应对气候变化的承诺,但我们感到失望,但承认总统的决定。”

谢默斯奥雷根,加拿大自然资源部长, rejected sanctions. “I have not yet heard a single argument that would convince me that a trade war is in the best interests of our oil and gas workers,” he said. Lawrence Herman, a senior fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute in Toronto, said in a Globe & Mail opinion that it is up to TC Energy and provinces to pursue compensation claims against the U.S. government through the United States-Mexico-Canada trade pact.

Building trades chief McGarvey said unions want the administration and pipeline project opponents “to engage with us on a rational national strategy” to make energy workforce impacts “equal to economic and climate imperatives.”

How Keystone will affect Biden Administration stances on other high-profile U.S. pipeline projects is not clear. One energy-market observer, Height LLC analyst Josh Price, told Reuters that the action "spooked some investors," but he termed it a "stand-alone move" linked to the president's campaign promise.

宾夕法尼亚州立大学大气科学教授迈克尔·曼(Michael Mann)和气候行动支持者迈克尔·曼(Michael Mann)认为,基斯通(Keystone)将使化石燃料的生产能够产生足够的生产,并用于使气候变化的恢复变得困难。