Russian State Railways (RZD)



Governors killed an $8-billion commuter rail extension in New Jersey and a $2-billion high-speed-rail effort in Florida. The transportation reauthorization bill continues to undergo short-term extensions. Major efforts still move forward, notably some $11 billion worth of new subway and commuter rail in New York City and a planned $4-billion budget for new rail in Los Angeles.



纽约市帕森斯·布林克霍夫(Parsons Brinckerhoff)首席执行官乔治·皮尔森(George J. Pierson)说:“您正在看到铁路从成熟市场转移到更多发展中的市场。”“他们看到铁路是一种开发工具,而不是奢侈品。”

As a result, major U.S.-based firms looked overseas for new rail work.


推动铁路建设项目的一个因素是发展中国家之间的贸易流量增加。新利18备用网址汇丰控股公司(HSBC Holdings Plc)和苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)集团的经济学家将这些联系描述为“新丝绸之路”。在非洲,铁路建设中的另一个地缘政治因素是中国需要原材料。中国通常为项目提供资金,作为回报,承包商和大多数劳新利18备用网址动者都是中国人。

Niklas Swanstrom, program director of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program at Johns Hopkins University, notes: "For the Chinese it's sort of a missing link. The further the Chinese can link their rail network to the Middle East, the less dependent they will be on ocean transport." Additional linkages to Europe will help the country spread its investments.

当时刘,与中国中铁军官,Beijing, says that along with building 30% of the projects in China, the company is building many smaller projects in Africa and a $7.5-billion, 471-kilometer line in Venezuela. So far, about $1.5 billion of work has been completed. “The project is slowed down due to lack of cash flow from the owner,” he says. “About half of what is completed has been paid for so far. The rest of is funded by us.”
