Several members of the A/E/C industry have been appointed to key positions in U.S. Dept. of Transportation departments.

阿米特·鲍斯(Amit Bose)将重新担任他的奥巴马政府时代作为联邦铁路管理局副行政官的职务。Bose将离开他在HNTB的副总统职位。

Nuria Fernandez, Deputy Administrator for the Federal Transit Administration, was CEO for the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, CEO and general manager of the VTA, and was a senior vice president at CH2M Hill. She has also served as chair of the American Public Transportation Association.

A. Bradley Mims返回联邦航空管理局,在克林顿政府任职。这位航空退伍军人曾在帕森斯·布林克霍夫(Parsons Brinckerhoff)和布兹/艾伦(Allen)/汉密尔顿(Hamilton)工作。他还是少数族裔运输官员会议的总裁兼首席执行官。

Stephanie Pollack comes to the Federal Highway Administration after a six-year stint leading the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation.

轮询y Trottenberg has been nominated as deputy U.S. Dept. of Transportation Secretary after seven years as New York City’s transportation commissioner.