机械工程师保罗·施维尔(Paul Schwer)在纽约市工作了九年后,保罗·施维尔(Paul Schwer)辞去了工作,买​​了一辆吉普车,并与妻子乔伊斯(Joyce)一起旅行了六个月。他们寻求一个重新安置的地方,最终到达了西北太平洋地区,施沃(Schwer)在俄勒冈州波特兰的咨询工程师PAE中担任职位,近27年前。

“There is something really profound about walking among trees older than the country,” says Schwer, who remains drawn to the Columbia River Basin with its old-growth forests.

Schwer’s awe of trees is not the main reason the mechanical engineer is personally investing—separate from team member-investors PAE, ZGF Architects and Walsh Construction Co./OR—in the mass-timber-framed PAE Living Building. But the sustainable framing material does get points for sequestering carbon. Beyond wood, the 58,000-sq-ft PAE, set to open in September with PAE also as its main tenant, is on deck to be the largest, most resilient and most sustainable speculative office building certified under the Living Building Challenge.

For Schwer, the project is the culmination of a strong commitment to minimize negative environmental impacts. “As the first developer-led, investor-driven Living Building, we hope to be a model for others,” says PAE’s president since 2004.

Schwer自己的可持续发展模式是西雅图的52,000平方英尺的Bullitt中心,这是实现生活建筑状况的第一大也是最大的规格办公大楼。项目策划者丹尼斯·海斯(Denis Hayes)担任布利特(Bullitt)环境非营利组织总裁,选择了施沃(Schwer)从事这项工作,并摇摆了他在大楼内开设PAE的西雅图办公室。海耶斯(Hayes)根据布利特(Bullitt)的设计阶段的“天才中风”(Genius Stonokes),在能源使用和成本仍然不满意的情况下,演唱了施威(Schwer)的赞美。新利18备用官网登录

Hayes, also the organizer of the first Earth Day, wanted an “irresistible stairway,” to draw occupants away from elevators. The proposed solution was a glass-enclosed stair with views of the Space Needle and, on the upper levels, the Olympic Mountains.

It was an elegant design but too costly to heat and cool. “My irresistible stairway was starting to look like a black hole,” says Hayes, until Schwer saved the day by suggesting there was no need to heat or cool the stair because it was outside the occupied space. All that was needed was protection from the elements and operable windows to vent hot air out the top. Hayes got his stair.

Schwer和Pae建筑团队正在应用同等的天才中风,以使数字为PAE建筑物起作用,Pae建筑在可持续性和韧性方面超越了Bullitt。Schwer不仅是PAE项目的策划者,而且他的想法是在医院级的地震耐力中首次亮相,以避免在7.5 Temblor的情况下避免业务中断。

为了收回弹性结构的额外费用,该团队获得了靠近邻居的舒适性的许可。理由:弹性结构将在地震中降低。项目开发商Edlen&Co.的合伙人吉尔·谢尔曼(Jill Sherman)表示,这意味着更大的占地面积,这将为地震弹性支付。

The PAE building also will debut fertilizer production from urine—a system that has potential to reduce wastewater in all buildings. “PAE has a reputation for walking the talk about sustainability and a lot of that is Paul’s leadership,” says Sherman.

Schwer grew up on Long Island, N.Y. In 1975, a surprise family visit to an open house at Brookhaven National Laboratory sparked his interest in renewable energy. “We were returning from a week’s vacation in Montauk, and I thought we were stopping for ice cream,” he says. At the lab, Schwer saw a crude solar collector—a wood box with beer cans and glass. Later, he wrote to the scientist who had built the collector. In return, he received a set of plans for the collector that he used to build a replica for his science project.

Schwer has come full circle and more since this formative experience. Going forward, “PAE and I will be playing a role” in efforts to power the entire West Coast with 100% renewable energy, he says.

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