去年3月,当Covid-19达到大流行的比例时,蒙泽·霍纳尼(Monzer Hourani)年龄76岁,这是许多人的退休年龄。对于医疗房地产开发商而言,其公司Medistar Corp.的项目阵容正在进行中,这将使他一半的年龄超负荷。新利18备用网址

To top that off, when the pandemic hit, the self-acknowledged workaholic, also an inventor, was deep into developing a pollution control system that reduces a vehicle’s carbon emissions.



IVP前进的速度太快airborne pathogen slayer deployed—anywhere. But Hourani knows he needs a broad coalition, headed perhaps by a national COVID-19 czar, to reach his goal. Toward this end, last year, public health expert Kenneth Thorpe, executive director of the Emory University Institute for Advanced Policy Solutions, initiated meetings with President-elect Joe Biden’s team. “The filter is revolutionary,” says Thorpe, also a professor of public health. “It has economic importance and will have an impact on morbidity and mortality.”

Hourani’s main collaborators on the invention are scientists at the University of Houston, Zhifeng Ren and Luo Yu, a postdoctoral fellow. Both are named as co-inventors on the filter’s patent application. “Monzer wants to help society,” says Ren, a physics professor and director of the Texas Center for Superconductivity. “This invention is very significant,” he adds.


The IVP filter differs from most others because it traps and kills the virus and was peer-reviewed. Ultraviolet light also kills the virus, but UV overexposure poses a danger to humans, says Hourani, who also encourages vaccinations, wearing masks and social distancing.


The list of installations—either mobile units; heating, cooling and ventilating system filters; or a combination—is growing. As of earlier this month, the filter was in more than 40 hospitals and two convention centers. It is in more than 150 schools in Texas and Florida.


IVP is tracking COVID-19 in many “filter buildings.” Schools are reporting fewer cases of the illness in locations where the filters are deployed, says Garrett Peel, managing director of IVP.


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