In the early days of the pandemic, Frank Giunta realized the world, and the industry, had never encountered anything like this. Giunta, as head of the Americas for HKA, had been watching the virus progress around the world.

“我意识到这是要多得多serious than we expected,” he says. Giunta, an engineer with years of experience in project oversight, started thinking about how to help construction professionals get a handle on their pandemic-related problems. His idea: Invite leaders to share how they were dealing with a broad range of pandemic-related issues and discuss best practices. The program would be free and available to everyone.

弗兰克喜欢解决问题。他像对待他们一样对待它们,并且喜欢修理被打破的东西。” HKA地区营销主管John Paolin说。在与Paolin合作并与行业团体进行了交谈之后,Giunta的想法成为了一个网络研讨会系列,该系列降落在美国律师协会的建筑法论坛上。当时的主席Kristine A. Kubes和远程学习领导者Rob Ruesch的Rob Ruesch在几周内帮助了该系列。HKA合作伙伴Tracy Doyle迅速帮助组织了每周系列的主题和小组。

Kubes says the group landed on the format of a roundtable where “knowledgeable people could talk about the problems the industry was facing, share ideas, field questions” and together develop working resources.

The first webinar, April 7, was followed by 13 more with topics ranging from cash flow and force majeure to mediation and resilience. Participants stressed a cooperative, not combative, relationship between contractor and owner to handle virus-related delays and cost overruns. They discussed not only the problems, but also the solutions, such as advancing technologies that allowed work to continue both on and off site.

“It gave people an outlet,” Giunta says. “We tried to bring in the best and the brightest to help answer all of the questions.” When the series ended in September, it had drawn more than 3,000 people. It will start up again this spring.

Timely and useful

从美国相关总承包商到哥伦比亚大学建筑物,基础设施和公共场所中心的一系列团体也提供了共同的编程,但ABA系列是基于广泛的和多学科的。莱斯利·金·奥尼尔(Leslie King O’Neal)为布拉斯菲尔德(Brasfield&Gorrie)的副法律顾问说:“就价格而言,您将无法得到这样的东西。”奥尼尔说,这是“非常及时和有用的”,参与者和组织者都没有得到报酬。“这是对行业的真正服务。”

Though HKA could have used the series to advance its business and charge participants, Giunta said it wouldn’t have been as successful without letting everyone know that no one was profiting from it. That premise attracted participants such as O’Neal and Michael T. Kamprath, assistant general counsel at the Tampa International Airport.

