Who’s got the dirt? Thanks to Soil Connect, now contractors who need to get it or get rid of it can find each other at the touch of a finger.


这家初创公司的创始人兼首席执行官Cliff Fetner在三年前在纽约市的一个家庭建设项目中构思了这个想法。他回忆说:“那是冬季中期,现场有3,000码的污垢。”“基金会的家伙在对我大喊大叫,因为他无法在洞附近的任何地方拿到设备。我打电话给发掘承包商。他说他打电话给他认识的每个人,不知道该怎么办。在那一刻,我意识到必须有一种更好的方法来重新填充污垢。”


“We want to be a one-stop shop for all your dirt needs,” says Fetner, a third-generation builder and developer who marveled that throughout his career, he had not seen any solutions other than calling around. “I love Airbnb, Craigslist,” he says. “I didn’t reinvent the wheel. I dressed it up and inserted dirt on a platform.”

Wills Hapworth, general partner with TIA Ventures, a venture capital firm that backed Soil Connect, praises Fetner’s business savvy and contracting background. “Cliff possesses a very rare, and essential, quality as the founder of an early-stage company—the ability to listen and then act on what he hears,” says Hapworth. “It seems obvious, but too many founders think they have things all figured out themselves and operate in their own echo chambers. Cliff’s ability is especially rare for a business leader who has already had tremendous success in his career. We view this trait as one of his greatest assets, which serves him incredibly well as he turns Soil Connect into the de facto brand in the industry for solving all dirt-related problems.”

Hapworth指的是已经成长为八个的土壤连接团队,他补充说:“ Cliff为将专业人士带入了知道如何为业务的关键功能提供比以往任何时候都能更好的关键功能的团队的价值,这使他释放了他专注于他擅长的事情。”

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