您可以看到First Street Foundation的灵感,该基金会(一家非营利组织都创建了一个全国性的多元化洪水风险模型),沿创始人和执行董事Matthew Eby的职业生涯中的关键要点成立。

At the Weather Channel parent Weather Co., where Eby was digital division vice president of marketing and then senior vice president of consumer and brand marketing, he interacted with hundreds of the company’s meteorologists and climatologists. “Thinking about the impacts of weather on a day-to-day basis really inspired me to want to start to work directly in my own company on the issue of climate,” he says.


First Street Foundation不仅仅是其模型,该模型于2020年6月下旬首次亮相,并结合了气候变化的预测以及从Pluvial和沿海洪水到海平面上升的一切。实际上,其实用性根据用户而变化。有关的房主或租房者可以使用洪水因子工具以1-10的规模查看气候变化和洪水对该国的任何地址的潜在影响,并进行更详细的分析。Academics, who have both contributed to and used the organization’s rich data, are able to produce research that can reach wider audiences, with findings published or forthcoming on the foundation’s site on everything from how zoning laws interact with flood models to how adaptation and mitigation measures affect new development.

And for engineers who are doing work requiring the creation of a flood map or hydraulic model, “We’ve built that for the entire country, and we’ve done it in a peer-reviewed, open source, methodological way” that is also on spec, says Eby, potentially saving firms money, time and people power.

Eby’s original plan was to work with major modelers in the field, but they were unable to participate because of Eby’s decision to make the model available to the public. Instead, he turned to academia, and a “patchwork of partnerships” led the group to fuse all that specialized expertise into “one full probabilistic model for the country,” says Eby.

“马修(Matthew)建立了一支由高级科学家和技术人员组成的团队,以通过以一种简单而有效的方式传达复杂的科学,以触摸每一个美国家庭,以实现他如何将气候信息整合到我们个人决策中的愿景,” Ed Kearns说。第一街基金会首席数据官,以及国家海洋和大气管理局的前首席数据官。

洪水风险研究员Fathom的董事长兼联合创始人保罗·贝茨(Paul Bates)赞扬了埃比(Eby)将所有这些团结在一起的能力。他说:“他的项目的时间表非常短,有多个活动部件,但马修的真正技能之一就是将整个演出保持在路上。”“他也很有趣,这很重要。”

First Street Foundation has more than one intriguing model going for it. The company got its start with grants and large donations, but now has created an application programming interface (API) that for-profit companies can purchase, giving them and other interested parties access to property-level data from the model. That funds the publicly available research, the free Flood Factor tool and First Street’s future plans. “We can actually fill the mission of the nonprofit while at the same time fueling better business decisions,” says Eby.

