选择家庭是描述格雷格·诺特森(Greg Knutson)与他唯一的雇主莫滕森(Mortenson)紧密联系的好方法。这种情绪在35年的职业生涯中得到了加强。诺森是第二代莫滕森。他已故的父亲在那里工作了35年,主要是担任校长。

年轻的努特森(Knutson)于1978年夏天首次在莫滕森(Mortenson)担任实习生。但是在12岁开始的夏季,纳特森(Knutson)与父亲肯(Ken)一起去了明尼阿波利斯街(Minneapolis-St)的莫滕森·乔布斯(Mortenson Jobsite)。保罗地区,他长大了。

肯·诺特森(Ken Knutson)希望他的儿子获得高级学位,但格雷格(Greg)还有其他想法。“我没有完成大学,”他说。相反,他去了莫滕森(Mortenson)工作。

克努森学分父亲有传授“relentless” work ethic that has enabled his own career. “He was a traditionalist and an extremely hard worker,” he says. For example, after working two shifts a day all week in intense heat, his father would drive to a summer resort he owned in northern Wisconsin to work, with his son’s help, expanding the family house there.

在与莫滕森(Mortenson)的第一世纪中,格雷格·诺特森(Greg Knutson)在交易中站起来,在13个州进行了项目,然后从洛杉矶搬到西雅图地区的办公室,他目前是现场运营经理。新利18备用网址

二十年前,在天使之城,纳特森在令人难以置信的沃尔特·迪斯尼音乐厅里砍了牙。莫滕森(Mortenson)不仅使用BIM来理解建筑师弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)的几乎不可思议的形式,而且还开始尝试4D BIM,从而增加了时间表。诺特森一直是使用虚拟工具来构建更好的捕鼠器的巨大助推器。

The concert hall project was the perfect preparation for the almost equally unfathomable $1-billion makeover of Seattle’s city-owned Key Arena, renamed Climate Pledge Arena. The job was risky due to the city’s mandate to support-in-place—rather than dismantle-and-return or replicate—the landmark roof. Work involved shoring the 44-million-lb helmet. It also involved protecting crews below it, laboring often in the blind and in cramped quarters while they undermined roof supports to dig down and around for the mostly subterranean expansion of the sports and entertainment venue.




他对支持团队的兴趣服务于竞技场工作,这表明了一个宏伟的4D可施工难题。“格雷格(Greg)有能力将团队团结起来,做一些从未做过的事情。”私人融资改造的开发商Oak View Group的执行副总裁Ken Johnsen说。


诺特森将信誉回到团队中,包括但不限于莫滕森的总监乔普·威利斯(Jopy Willis)。其他关键参与者包括Malcolm Drilling Co.,Steel Erector Danny's Construction Co. LLC和结构工程师Thornton Tomasetti。努特森说:“我们的临时屋顶支援团队非常有韧性。”他强调说:“团队合作是解决复杂问题的唯一方法。”

丹尼(Danny's)的运营副总裁蒂娜·塞拉芬(Tina Serafin)说,诺特森“使每个人都受到检查。”

With all the shoring out, the roof has turned from a liability to an asset, for it is currently providing shelter from the storms for the remaining work. The team “ended the year proud,” especially considering constraints of the pandemic, says Johnsen. “We’ll be ready for the puck to drop early next fall.”
