照片由Walbridge / Rob Pepple提供
Walbridge Co. is CM-at-risk on this solar-panel plant for Twin Creeks Technologies South East LLC.

Contractors in the manufacturing sector are finding work through a proliferation of facility retrofits and renovations as cash-strapped manufacturers scramble for cost-saving efficiency, flexibility in buildings management and sustainability.

In the telecommunications market, voracious consumer demand for new technology and services is pumping up markets with an explosion of small cell-tower and related infrastructure projects.

尽管格林菲尔德的项目很少,而且相距甚远,新利18备用网址但汽车装配工厂和太阳能制厂工厂的承包商报告了足够的工作,即使目前的市场呈现“现在的一幅浑浊的情况”,底特律沃尔布里奇公司高级副总裁戴夫·汉森说。“我们的客户今年有很多项目计划。新利18备用网址问题是经济是否会支持他们。”今年,沃尔布里奇(Walbridge)是汽车和航空部门的几个翻新和扩张项目的承包商,包括福特,雪佛兰和克莱斯勒的扩张。新利18备用网址该公司还在佛罗里达州的墨尔本工厂为巴西飞机制造商工厂的190,000平方英尺的装配设施担任建筑经理。该项目预计将在年底之前完成。此外,沃尔布里奇(Walbridge)从绿色运动中受益。该公司在今年在密西西比州塞纳托比亚(Senatobia)完成的1.75亿美元,80,000平方英尺的太阳能电池板工厂,售价为80,000平方英尺的太阳能电池板工厂,以及300,000平方米-FT,佛罗里达州坦帕市的1.17亿电池回收厂,用于Envirofocus LLC,目标是2012年完成。

总部位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰的Brasfield&Gorrie LLC是另一家公司,发现由可持续性推动力驱动的工作。今年,该公司在田纳西州查塔努加(Chattanooga)的总部位于巴黎的阿尔斯通公司(Alstom)完成了一座1亿美元,40亿平方英尺的高效电动机设施。外国汽车制造商在东南部正在进行一些扩新利18备用网址张项目,例如梅赛德斯·奔驰,现代和大众汽车,此前“增加了外国在美国的投资”。布拉斯菲尔德和戈里副总裁克里斯·克莱默(Chris Kramer)指出,作为欧洲和亚洲的制造商旨在降低运输成本上升。新利18备用官网登录在几乎所有公司的项目中,“所有者可能并不要求LEE新利18备用网址D认证,但他们越来越希望设施提高。”

全国设施能力水平徘徊在78%左右,比去年夏天高四个百分点。总部位于威斯康星州Appleton的Boldt Co.执行副总裁Jim Rossmeissl解释说,这种差异足以保证植物扩展,但不足以保证Gree新利18备用网址nfield项目。罗斯迈斯尔说:“当能力达新利18备用网址到约85%时,绿菲尔德的项目就开始了。”“随着容量的增加,我们看到汽车,食物,纸浆和纸,轮胎和采矿的活动增加。”

Tom Clark, chief revenue officer for Menasha, Wisc.-based Faith Technologies Inc., notes, “Owners want projects done faster in half the time. As a contractor, we're being asked to be involved early on in projects” as owners look to streamline delivery and catch design conflicts early with BIM applications. The food- and-beverage market is spurring about 150 projects for the firm.

In the current competitive hard-bid environment, owners' team selections are “a lot more qualifications-based” than previously, says Clark. “They want experience, and a lot of work is based on previous relationships.” Kramer concurs, noting that Brasfield & Gorrie's “relationships approach to business” has been a key to landing projects in the recession.

Telecom markets chug ahead as consumer demand for new technologies and expanded services continues unabated. Contractors say the market consists of many small projects from coast to coast. For example, Mankato, Minn.-based telecom contractor Hickory Tech Corp. One recently won a $24-million project to build high-capacity fiber transmission lines in Minnesota.