twenty-eight workers employed on a large, behind-schedule Toronto transportation project have tested positive for COVID-19, and dozens more are quarantined, possibly adding to construction delays.

Metrolinx是运输系统运营商,该操作员正在沿Eglinton Avenue建造11.8英里的轻轨线扩展,并证实了阳性测试。公私合作伙伴联盟和建筑商Crosslinx的另外70名员工被隔离。


“Constructors are entrusted with a critical responsibility to run a safe site.”

- Metrolinx高级媒体经理Anne Marie Aikins

the outbreak covered employees of Crosslinx and its subcontractors at eight locations along the rail line, according to tweets and blog posts by Anne Marie Aikins, Metrolinx senior media manager.

While tweeting that she hoped for “a full recovery for all Crosslinx workers,” Aikens added that “constructors are entrusted with a critical responsibility to run a safe site – this includes ensuring protections are in place (and followed) for their employees to minimize transmission of COVID-19.”

Metrolinx and Crosslinx have been fighting over the pandemic and its effects on project suppliers, subcontractors and staff throughout 2020.

Whether the outbreak, first reported by the Toronto Star, will worsen the already bad relationship is not clear.


In October, Crosslinx filed a breach-of-contract lawsuit in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice in Toronto against Metrolinx and its associated provincial agency, Infrastructure Ontario, accusing them of failing to comply with the P3 contract emergency provisions that entitle the consortium to a project “variation,” which means an extension or added payments. Crosslinx says the pandemic has added $106 million to its costs so far in delays from absenteeism, supply chain disruptions and new safety measures needed.

Metrolinx could not immediately provide a reply or comment to the accusations in the Crosslinx lawsuit.

随着大流行的进展和多伦多宣布emergency on March 23, the city allowed transit construction to continue as an essential service.

But Crosslinx says in its legal complaint that it ran into many problems. Suppliers and subcontractors informed it of potential delays in March and by mid-April, subcontractor absenteeism ran between 17% and 27%, the consortium complaint contends.


Metrolinx claimed Crosslinx “has consistently failed, month after month, for two years, to achieve their production rates," noting since 2018, only 72% of planned work has been completed.

A prior lawsuit between Metrolinx and Crosslinx, in 2018, was settled.