If there was ever a year when you could overlook the visual drama of construction, 2020 was it. All the spray disinfecting, temperature-taking and fussing with masks; all the worries about the virus outside and inside the gates. Those are the themes that will dominate our collective memory. Face coverings became an important tool to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

But for those who did not previously have to wear them as a regular part of the work day, they could be an afterthought, a style statement or—more likely—a nagging, voice-muffling, heat-trapping distraction. You could endure the patch of fabric across the bottom of your face, but you couldn’t enjoy it.

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In a year of headaches and irritants, there’s no way to know if being photographed is just one more.





Every photo snatches and saves an evanescent moment.



Will the laborers, in still another photo, form another "samba line" of site teamwork on the concrete hose the next day?


In a year full of loss and emptiness, these bustling and poignant construction and engineering-related photos document the resounding victory of the human spirit and the willingness and resilience to press on with the work during the most challenged and heartbreaking year in memory.

理查德·科尔曼(Richard Korman)