在1950年代后期的某个时候,一个看似简单而最终的革命性想法是在年轻工程专业的学生普雷斯顿·H·哈斯克尔三世(Preston H. Haskell III)的脑海中吸引了种子。有一天,回到家中,未来的土木工程师与父亲分享了他的新兴想法。

“I would like to have an office as both an architect and a contractor,” the young Haskell announced.



More than 60 years later, countless contractors and designers should be happy that Haskell rebelled the way he did. Because that seed of an idea would germinate and grow well beyond his initial thought, and, with his constant championing, open the way for broad adoption of public-sector design-build procurement. Later, Haskell helped establish the Design-Build Institute of America, serving as its first chairman.

总部位于弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩市的组织Charles Pankow Foundation总裁Rik Ku​​nnath说,设计建筑在建筑创新历史上的采用在建筑创新历史上排名很高。


Indeed, a 2018 study produced by the Construction Industry Institute and the Charles Pankow Foundation comparing various project delivery methods noted, for instance, that design-build projects are delivered 102% faster than the design-bid-build approach, the most common delivery method used by public project owners.

Steve Halverson, who now chairs Haskell’s corporate board after 19 years as the contractor’s CEO, concurs. “It’s hard to overstate his contributions” related to design-build’s place in today’s construction industry, he says.

哈尔弗森(Halverson)将哈斯克尔(Haskell)描述为“无情”,他补充说:“他总是以极大的紧迫感,他不想等待(设计建筑)市场发展。他想成为市场。这就是为什么他开始DBIA的原因 - 标准化最佳实践,以便任何人都可以尝试并尝试执行设计构建作为模型。”


When told he’d been singled out by ENR Southeast as its 2021 Legacy Award honoree, Haskell deflected the credit for these achievements onto others, commenting that the recognition is “not deserved.”

While “others might think” Haskell deserving, he tells ENR Southeast: “I accept on behalf of all the people I’ve worked with over the years, principally within the Haskell company, but also a lot of outside people.

他继续说:“ DBIA尤其如此。”“我们在1990年代初都努力工作。”

Dead Set on Design-Build

哈斯凯尔(Haskell)于1965年在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville)建立了他的同名公司Preston H. Haskell Co.交付过程。”


“我只是不能想象任何一件事哈d a more positive impact on productivity and cost in U.S. construction than design-build.”

– Rik Kunnath, President, The Pankow Foundation


A $1-million multifamily apartment building in Jacksonville had marked the firm’s first contract, “but I wanted always to broaden our scope of practice to commercial, industrial and institutional projects,” which would eventually become main project sectors for the company—now known simply as Haskell.

Haskell在工业部门的工作导致该公司采用并稳定地使用了倾斜混凝土建筑方法。哈斯凯尔(Haskell)是该男子,其公司是倾斜混凝土协会的就职成员,并于2013年获得了彼得·考托瓦(Peter Courtois)纪念奖。在提出这一荣誉时,该协会将哈斯克尔称为“当代有远见的人”。



找到更好的构建方法是在创建DBIA期间的一个定义重点。正如Haskell所回忆的那样,位于肯塔基州列克星敦的Gray Construction的主席Jim Gray正在讨论他们的挫败感,因为缺乏注意力建造方法是在国家总承包商协会内得到的。

Haskell credits Gray for first voicing the idea of an association dedicated to design-build, but the two were definitely already on the same page.

“Let’s talk,” Haskell said almost as soon as the words left Gray’s mouth. And the two men drew up a list of about 15 individuals that they thought would be interested in the venture and eventually held an initial meeting in Washington, D.C., in February 1992.

出席1992年会议的昆纳特回忆说,“全国对设计建筑的普遍兴趣正在增加”,哈斯克尔“感觉到了这一时刻”,邀请一个强大的团队在一起,以创建DBIA,包括Gray,Kunnath在内(当时是Pankow Builders)和当时的Suitt Construction(现为McCrory Construction)等的Don Warren等。


“这就是为什么他开始DBIA的原因 - 标准化最佳实践,以便任何人都可以尝试并尝试执行设计建造作为模型。”

- 史蒂夫·哈尔弗森(Steve Halverson),哈斯克尔(Haskell)主席




Halverson, who became CEO of Haskell’s company in 1999, said that for the first two years he served in that position, Haskell himself was “always off in Washington advocating for federal legislation or in any state or city that was even thinking about design-build.”


佛罗里达州运输建筑商协会(Florida Transportation Builders Association)和FDOT前秘书的执行董事Ananth Prasad表示,该州使用设计建筑的能力有时至关重要。一个例子发生在2009年,当时国会陷入困境,国会通过了《美国复苏与再投资法》。它为可以立即开始的“铲子就绪”项目提供了资金。新利18备用网址

