
该集团包括更大的建筑工会,承包商萨福克,特纳建筑和约翰·莫里亚蒂与协会,或JMA,以及著名的国际卫生保健组织,卫生合作伙伴和当地提供商Harbor Health Services。


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一家诊所计划在北站地区形成,最著名的是TD花园的住所;海滨/海港区附近的第二个诊所;在剑桥的肯德尔广场(Kendall Square),是实验室和办公室建设的枢纽。在这三个热点地区,在新的商业,研究和办公空间中建造了数百万平方英尺。

大波士顿大楼工会的普通代理人布莱恩·多尔蒂(Brian Doherty)说:“整个行业都在四处乱逛。”“我看到了惊人的合作。”

The testing sites will include two drive-thru-only operations and one that will also provide testing to walk-ins.



JMA,Suffolk和Turner以及当地的工会都承诺了数十万美元的努力,并计划通过将在施工停止Covid Banner下运作的非营利组织筹集额外资金。

The program’s Dec. 22 unveiling came the same day Gov. Charlie Baker announced he would impose new COVID-19 restrictions for a minimum of two weeks starting the day after Christmas—including lowering capacity at most businesses to 25% and limiting indoor and outdoor gatherings. Dec. 22 also saw 3,293 newly confirmed coronavirus cases in Massachusetts for a total of 318,143 cases. The death toll from confirmed cases increased by 43 to 11,549.

Union and industry leaders laid the groundwork for the construction-centric effort weeks ago as coronavirus cases surged following the Thanksgiving holiday—and as testing centers in Massachusetts set up by state officials began to get overwhelmed.

约翰·莫里亚蒂(John Moriarty)和同事的首席执行官克里斯·布朗(Chris Brown)说:“在过去的四到五个星期中,很明显,需要采取进一步的努力来支持这项倡议。”“我们意识到我们需要额外的支持和资源来打击这一激增。”

The effort won a strong endorsement from Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, who rose from construction worker to head of the city’s largest building trades union before he was elected mayor in 2013.



“This is a historic initiative and the first of its kind in the United States of America,” Walsh said during the rollout of the new mini clinic initiative over a Zoom call. “We are setting the highest safety standards in the country.”

“Our building and construction industry will be key to our long-term recovery,” Walsh said.

沃尔什also played a key role in connecting the various partners in the coalition, including introducing construction and trade union leaders with Partners in Health, known for its efforts combatting a range of pandemics, including Ebola, noted Doherty of the Greater Boston Building Trades Unions.

健康的合作伙伴正在帮助制定公共教育运动和其他努力。Harbor Health将为诊所服务。

“不仅仅是隐藏的病毒,”说Dr. Margaret Bourdeaux, research director of Harvard Medical School’s Program in Global Public Policy. “We can put into place systems where people can go back to work and live their lives while we control the virus. Not only can we stay vigilant, but we can go on offense against the virus.”