As the Biden Administration prepares to take office in January, construction unions, employers and industry groups are eyeing the potential for a resurgence—and possible expansion—of project labor agreements on federal projects.

在整个竞选过程中,当时的候选人乔·拜登(Joe Biden)吹捧了他对工会问题的长期支持。在9月给工会联盟的一封信中,他发誓说他的政府将“优先考虑项目劳工和社区劳动力协议”。

近几十年来,联邦项目的使用项目劳动协议(PLA)对民主党政府进行了追踪,他们偏爱他们和共和党政府劝阻或积极反对他们。新利18备用网址巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统于2009年签署了一项行政命令,该命令鼓励执行机构考虑对2500万美元或以上的项目进行PLA。新利18备用网址该命令撤销了布什政府签署的一项命令,该命令禁止政府对联邦项目进行规定的平原。新利18备用网址

President Donald Trump did not rescind the Obama order, but there is no record of a PLA used on a large project during his presidency, says the Associated Builders and Contractors. ABC identified just 12 projects that were 100% federally funded that used one during Obama’s eight years.


美国广播公司(ABC)首席执行官迈克·贝拉曼(Mike Bellaman)表示,他希望新政府扩大PLA要求。The president-elect “seems to be in the camp of mandating PLA,” he says.“对我们来说,面对公平和开放的竞争,这将飞行。”贝拉曼说,美国广播公司(ABC)反对可能排除刑事投标的强制性PLA使用。美国劳工部说,建筑工会成员约占行业劳动力的13%。


美国海军在2012年在西雅图附近的美国海军海军基地基塔普 - 曼格(Kitsap-Bangor)进行了爆炸物处理码头项目。工会官员说,该项目最初估计为7.15亿美元,在2016年完成,最终费用为4.48亿美元。西雅图建筑贸易委员会执行秘书蒙蒂·安德森(Monty Anderson)表示,他们推动了复杂且具有时间敏感的项目的PLA,以确保更大的交付确定性和“没有劳动中断”。


华盛顿州分会的美国相关总承包商protested useof the agreement to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command.

Mike Kennedy, general counsel of the Associated General Contractors of America, says that while there are areas where some PLAs are warranted, most agencies “have agreed that requiring a PLA is unlikely to lower the cost or expedite the construction of a project.” AGC, which called for the Trump Administration to rescind the Obama executive order, now is analyzing data from that administration on PLA use by executive agencies. Kennedy says initial findings in the still-ongoing study show that after procurement officials survey market conditions, they rarely choose it.


PLAs can also be applied to projects that use federal dollars, a practice not allowed under the Bush-era order. Ben Brubeck, an ABC vice president, says the Federal Highway Administration approved about 450 PLA projects between May 2010 and January 2020, accounting for about $11.6 billion in total contract value. ABC sees potential for more PLAs on projects with federal dollars, including those in the next infrastructure stimulus bill, says Bellaman.