After achieving large gains in last year’s ENR MidAtlantic Specialty Contractor survey, a similar set of firms ranked in this year’s survey returned to earth before the COVID-19 pandemic. The $3.6 billion in combined regional revenue reported by the 23 firms on this year’s list is a 14.3% decrease compared with results from firms ranked last year. But last year’s total was up 13.5% from 2018, when 25 companies reported total revenue of $3.7 billion.


与去年相比,在调查中排名的前两家公司保持不变。1号Mastec Inc.的14亿美元收入比去年报告了超过20亿美元的收入。Mastec报告了2018年调查的8.56亿美元的区域收入。


Rosendin Electric climbed one slot on this year’s ranking to crack the top three. The firm reported $284.73 million in revenue this year, a 49.8% jump from the $190.13 million the firm reported last year. Rosendin was one spot ahead of the 2017 ENR MidAtlantic Specialty Contractor of the Year, Hatzel & Buehler Inc., whose $219.70 million in revenue represented a 8.2% increase from last year’s $202.50 million.


Executives from C3M Power Systems LLC, No. 12 with $66.76 million in revenue; INTREN LLC, No. 14 with $60.07 million in revenue; and Donley’s Concrete Group, No. 19 with $21.85 million in revenue, shared their market insights via email. Their responses have been edited for space and clarity.

ENR MidAtlantic 2020 Top Specialty Contractors

How has COVID-19 affected your firm?

Chuck Hinton, Senior Vice President, C3M Power Systems LLC:我们以强劲,多样化的积压进入了Covid-19,我们在(政府,水,铁路和大众运输等)中工作的市场继续产生机会。结果,我们的收入预计今年将增长10%以上。此外,一开始,我们的组织将多个关键团队成员带到了运营中,专注于Covid-19。鉴于在Covid-19的早期阶段,尽管这是一种牺牲,但我们认为这是必要的,他们的中心努力使我们的整个团队受益匪浅。他们开发了新的流程,程序,PPE和角色,以使我们的工作岗位,办公室和人员安全有效地工作。

Matthew Turk, President, INTREN LLC:我们很幸运,我们的工作被认为是必不可少的,在大多数情况下,我们能够继续工作。在天然气方面,由于宾夕法尼亚州的库维德,我们需要在春季推迟一些工作,因为它需要进入人们的家。它确实在秋天再次捡起。否则,由于共同的工作,我们的工作减速非常有限。

Steve Hamilton, Chief Operating Officer, Donley’s Concrete Group:The main impact has been keeping up with employees and subcontractors that test positive for COVID-19. Establishing a quarantine and return to work process early on has helped us manage the spread on jobsites, keeping projects moving forward with little delay.


欣顿:政府,高速公路和水市场仍然强劲。铁路和大众运输局也相对较大,这在很大程度上是由于通过《 Cares Act》的大量联邦资助。

特克:We have seen a great infrastructure rebuild in the MidAtlantic on both the electric and the gas side for the past several years.


What key innovations helped your firm boost productivity or other metrics?


特克:A key innovation in the time of COVID was also the ability to take our comprehensive safety training matrix virtual within our online education system. It allows us to assign modules to employees and tracks their completion while continuing to focus on safety from coast to coast.

Hamilton:The standardization of systems has helped us train a less-tenured workforce, which is in high demand due to market conditions.


欣顿:We forecast another slow [year] but a rapid bounce back in 2022 to 2024. Virtual, enhanced safety and other recently implemented tools are here to stay as I believe that many of the innovative practices developed to collaborate and work efficiently in spite of the challenges posed by COVID-19 will be adopted as new industry standards.

特克:Next year, we continue to see tremendous growth opportunity in the MidAtlantic region in terms of infrastructure rebuilds, smart technologies and 5G.
