
乔治亚州Augusta Cyber​​works LLC计划重新开发300,000平方英尺King Mill,a former textile factory in Augusta dating to the 1880s. Phase 1 includes 244 apartments, Phase 2 involves warehouse space, and Phase 3 entails retail space. The project includes shifting Goodrich Street to the west to create room for parking spaces in front of the main mill building. The project is being designed by Christopher Booker & Associates PC and is valued at $100 million.Augusta Cyberworks LLC, Attn: Wayne Millar, Project Manager, 2500 Trade Center Drive, Evans, 30809. DR#20-00455910.

印第安纳州Fulcrum BioEnergy Inc. is planning to construct theCenterpoint Biofuels Plantin Gary. The plant will convert approximately 700,000 tons of municipal solid waste from the greater Chicago area annually into 33 million gallons of fuel. The project is valued at $600 million.Fulcrum BioEnergy Inc., 4900 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton, Calif. 94588. DR#18-00903472.

堪萨斯州Fidelity Savings Association is planning to build the富达银行办公大楼,一栋10层的建筑,位于威奇托南部市场街300街区。它是由Shelden Architecture设计的,Conco Construction Inc.被选为总承包商。该项目的价值为3500万美元。Fidelity Savings Association, 100 E. English St., Wichita, 67202. DR#20-00450867.

马里兰州Cherrywood Solar LLC计划构建樱桃太阳能设施在格林斯伯勒和戈德斯伯勒镇附近的18个包裹的卡罗琳县。202兆瓦的太阳能光伏设施将包括一个新的三爆式230 kV环形总线变电站,将建造与Keeney-Steele 230-KV线相邻的。该项目的价值为2亿美元。Cherrywood Solar LLC,ATTN:David Beugelmans,项目经理,233 E. Redwood St.,Baltimore,21202。DR#19-00715599。

Massachusetts牛津房地产计划建造林肯街125号,位于波士顿的24层,625,000平方英尺的办公楼。它是由Gensler&Associates设计的,Turner Construction Co.已被选为建筑经理处于危险中。该项目的价值为2.5亿美元。Oxford Properties, Attn: Mark McGowan, 125 Summer St., Boston, 02110. DR#17-00659064.

明尼苏达州我们格蕾丝天主教堂的圣母is planning a long-range expansion project. Phase 1 includes a priest residence and repair or replacement work. Phase 2 includes renovation and expansion of main bathrooms and an activity center containing a new gym with a performing arts stage, a kitchen, cafeteria, a link building containing classrooms, a preschool and additional parking space. Additional phases will include expanding the dining room, expanding the school and repurposing the current middle school into parish offices. The project is valued at between $25 million and $50 million.我们格蕾丝夫人天主教堂,5071 Eden Ave.,Edina,55436。Dr#19-00849935。

密苏里州The E.J. Holtze Corp. is planning to build theCrossroads Hotel位于堪萨斯城十字路口艺术区的16号和Wyandotte街。这家220间客房的酒店将位于考夫曼表演艺术中心附近。该项目的价值为6300万美元。E.J.Holtze Corp.,6380 S. Boston St.,Englewood,Colo。80111。DR#20-00651739。

内布拉斯加州DG Distribution Midwest LLC计划建造一个美元一般配送中心在布莱尔。800,000平方英尺的设施将处理干货和易腐商品的包装和分配。它是由Lamar Johnson合作社设计的,预计建设将于2021年3月开始。该项目的价值为8500万美元。DG Distribution Midwest LLC,100 Mission Ridge,Goodlettsville,田纳西州37072。DR#20-00774307。

内华达州拉斯维加斯市正计划建造下水道在马里兰州大路和斯图尔特大街的领导下。该项目包括在马里兰州大路和查尔斯顿大道之间的马里兰州公园路和13街安装42英寸二木钢筋混凝土管和4英尺乘4英尺的6英尺,乘4英尺的钢筋混凝土盒子雨水雨林和第13街。从Boulder Highway到13th Street,在查尔斯顿大道(Charleston Boulevard)的10英尺乘6英尺至18英尺乘8英尺的钢筋混凝土盒子雨水排水沟。阿特金斯被选为总承包商。该项目的价值为6600万美元。City of Las Vegas, 495 S. Main St., Las Vegas, 89101. DR#17-00645350.

新墨西哥Netflix Inc. is planning a 300-acre expansion of itsABQ Studios Complex在阿尔伯克基的台面Del Sol区域。的第一阶段project will encompass the construction of 10 new sound stages, a 120,000-sq-ft office building, mill buildings, a training center and post-production space, and renovation of existing facilities. Phase 2 will include a 50,000-sq-ft special effects warehouse, wardrobe suites, a commissary, a flex building for production support and indoor and outdoor water tanks. The project is valued at $500 million.Netflix Inc., 100 Winchester Circle, Los Gatos, Calif. 95032. DR#20-00794632.

South CarolinaEYC Cos. and The Kalikow Group plan to construct Phase 1 of玛雅的交流in Johns Island. Phase 1 will involve the construction of 56,000 sq ft of medical office space in five buildings. Sitework has begun with vertical construction expected to start in mid-2021. The project is valued at between $10 million and $15 million.EYC COS。,ATTN:Ellis Coleman,P.O。Box 254,Folly Beach,29439。DR#20-00691973

TennesseeRiverfront Development Corp.计划翻新30英亩Tom Lee Parkin Memphis. The new features will include an open, 20,000-sq-ft civic canopy to provide a covered space for recreation and events, five new buildings and more than 250,000 sq ft of open lawn space. The design provides park access from downtown with five new and improved park entry plazas—called “landings”—at key connecting streets including Beale, Vance, Huling and Butler, as well as an entry from Ashburn-Coppock Park at the south end. Studio Gang Architects and SCAPE Landscape Architecture PLLC are the designers, and Montgomery Martin Contractors Inc. is the construction manager. The project is valued at $60 million.ATTN Riverfront Development Corp.:Carole Coletta,孟菲斯N. Front St. 22的导演,38103。DR#18-00845255。

华盛顿Century Pacific LP,City Investors LLC和Cedarstrand Properties LLC计划开发Quendell Terminals mixed-use developmentin Renton. The 51-acre site will eventually contain 692 residential units, 42,190 sq ft of commercial space, 1,352 parking spaces and 12.9 acres of parks/open space. Pollution remaining from the site’s former function as a creosote manufacturing facility must first be cleaned up in compliance with the EPA’s plan released in September 2019. The estimated time needed to perform the cleanup of this Superfund site is five years, at a cost of $66.1 million. The cleanup project is in the design phase, with construction expected to begin in 2022.Cedarstrand Properties LLC,ATTN:Ada Healey,西雅图Fifth Ave. S. 505号副总裁,98104。DR#17-00853233。

西弗吉尼亚美国陆军工程兵团正计划建造floodwallto protect the city of Milton. The project entails constructing an 8,300-ft earthen levee along the Mud River, plus a gate closure across a public road and two pump stations. The Corps figures it will need 135 tracts of real estate to build the floodwall. Only 35 of those are necessary for construction, while the remainder are easements to allow periodic ponding of water after storms. Once completed, the wall will turn what is currently a 20-year floodplain into a 200- or 250-year floodplain, which drastically reduces the chances of major flooding and will reduce the cost and possibly even the requirement for flood insurance for home and business owners. The estimated project cost is $143 million. Construction is expected to begin in summer 2021 and be completed by the end of 2024.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 502 Eighth St., Huntington, 25701. DR#19-00728419.

怀俄明州ConnectGEN is planning to construct theRail Tie Wind Farm.504兆瓦的设施将在领带壁板外287号高速公路的两侧包括151个风力涡轮机。该项目的价值为7.56亿美元。ConnectGEN, 1001 Mckinney St., Houston, 77002. DR#20-00730950.


夏威夷Nan Inc.已开始建造夏威夷州退伍军人家在卡波利。两层楼的135,000平方英尺的设施将容纳120名老兵,他们需要熟练的护理,康复和记忆护理。它由MGA Architecture LLC设计。预计建设将于2022年12月完成。该项目的价值为7550万美元。Nan Inc., 636 Laumaka St., Honolulu, 96819. DR#19-00542347.

OhioGreat Lakes Construction Co. has started constructing theWesterly Tunnel Dewatering Pump Stationin Cleveland. In addition to the 36-million-gallon-per-day submersible pump station, the project includes electrical, mechanical and HVAC work. The project owner is the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. The project was designed by Mott MacDonald and is valued at $27.3 million.Great Lakes Construction Co.,2608 Great Lakes Way,Hinckley,44233。DR#17-00590245。

Bid, Proposal Dates

伊利诺伊州12/22Schiller Park School District 81 is seeking bidders to build a new华盛顿小学。这项工作涉及在现有学校的现场建造一所两层楼,68,000平方英尺的小学,包括安装地下雨水拘留系统,并拆除三所现有房屋和现有学校。体育馆还将用作暴风雨庇护所。它是由DLA Architects Ltd设计的。预计建设将于2022年8月完成。该项目的价值在1000万至1500万美元之间。Schiller Park School District 81, Attn: Dr. Kimberly Boryszewski, Superintendent, 4050 Wagner Ave., Schiller Park, 60176. DR#20-00787768.

加利福尼亚1/7Coachella Valley Water District正在寻求投标人进行雨水通道棕榈沙漠的改善。这项工作需要建造钢筋混凝土坡度保护,通道衬里和静止的盆地,并进行铁路和道路桥的子结构修改。该项目的价值在4500万至5500万美元之间。Coachella Valley Water District,Attn:Tesfaye DeMissie,买家,75525 Hovley Lane E.,Palm Desert,92211。DR#14-00719253。

新泽西州1/14/21New Jersey Transit is seeking bidders for Contract 2 for theRaritan River Drawbridge Replacement Project在珀斯Amboy。合同2需要建造升力桥和侧翼跨越上层建筑,以及北泽西海岸线上的通信,信号和高架链式工作。该项目的价值为2.479亿美元。新泽西州Transit,ATTN:Taishida Chapman,项目经理,1 Penn Plaza,Newark,07105。DR#14-00400868。
