
尽管Ne的大小和成本的一小部分w Orleans counterpart, the Lafayette airport terminal has involved a considerable number of complexities. The project team has been tasked with managing 26 construction phases during a global pandemic and one of the busiest hurricane seasons in history at a commercial airport that operates around the clock.

“The majority of the new terminal program construction projects are being constructed on a site directly adjacent to the existing, fully operational terminal,” says Bryan O’Connor, senior project manager with lead contractor Lemoine-Manhattan, a joint venture of The Lemoine Co. of Lafayette and Tulsa-based Manhattan Construction Co. Atlanta-based construction manager CBRE | Heery is overseeing the project on behalf of the Lafayette Airport Commission. RS&H of Jacksonville, Fla., is the engineer of record.

在129,000平方英尺的情况下,新码头的大小是现有建筑物的两倍以上,该建筑物有三个大门。完成后,该航站楼将有五个带有空间的登机门,再增加两个。机场执行董事史蒂芬·皮库(Stephen Picou)说:“这座建筑物是在建造的。”“我们在这里没有[波音] 737 [飞机]的交通,尽管这是我们规模的机场正在驶入。”

In addition to the terminal, the project includes a new remote transmitter/receiver (RTR) facility, an expanded parking lot, a consolidated rental car facility, concessions on both sides of the security gates and an advanced baggage handling system. The construction team will also rebuild taxiways and paved aircraft aprons. As of November, construction was about three-fourths complete.


With the project relying on multiple sources of city, state and federal funding, the parish-owned airport chose the construction manager at-risk (CMAR) approach to deliver most of it. Approvals from the various funding sources were staggered throughout the schedule, and CMAR allowed for some of the work to take place as funding trickled in.

The project ended up including 26 phases of construction because the team had to align each phase with funding as it became available. “This specific, phased contracting strategy allowed the project to move forward even though the program funds had not yet been fully approved/allocated by the various funding sources,” says George Groh, managing principal of Mansfield, Texas-based Kutchins & Groh, a subcontractor of CBRE | Heery. Some of the early funding made it possible for site prep and work on the foundation and structure to take place.

由于某些资金来源限制了CMAR方法的使用,因此某些工作范围是分别出价并使用传统设计 - 建造方法收缩的。RS&H副总裁Broutin Sherrill说:“各方之间的协调是巨大的。”“即使CMAR没有参与某些包裹,[[]在帮助设计团队确定哪些项目可以单独出价方面是不可或缺的。”新利18备用网址

Getting started

Before construction could begin, the project team had to demolish existing hangar space, consolidate the rental car facilities and relocate the remote transmitter/receiver facility to mitigate signal interference. The project team decided to install a temporary designated air operations area (AOA) perimeter fence to separate the entire jobsite from the operating airfield. The fencing would allow contractors to work uninhibited by security protocols that would have been required had the job remained within the air operations space, O’Connor says.

“Even though CMAR was not involved in some of the packages, [it was] integral in helping the design team determine which projects could be bid separately.”

– Broutin Sherrill, Vice President, RS&H

During preconstruction, the project team analyzed strategies for routing public traffic through and around the jobsite. “Considerations had to be made to allow for the operational existing terminal to remain fully functional,” O’Connor says. Instead of spending extra time and money to create temporary roadways around the jobsite, the team decided to build a permanent, commercial lane early on.



Channeling local culture

The design team researched the music, poetry, art and food of Acadiana to develop architectural elements that would highlight south Louisiana culture. “A sense of place grew out of embracing community culture through metaphors and inspiration,” Sherrill says.

One example is the structural-steel canopy at the terminal entrance. The canopy consists of 17,603 sq ft of standing seam roof, skylights and metal panels. Through its colors and geometric construction, the canopy is designed to resemble the flag of Acadiana as wind blows through it. The 100-year-old St. John Cathedral Oak, a Lafayette landmark, informed the structure of the canopy’s columns.

“While the jobsite was considered a federal infrastructure project and was authorized to continue working through shutdowns, the project team implemented infection control measures on the jobsite.”

- CBRE高级项目经理Casey Zaunbrecher |继承人

“The ‘oak’ columns, large overhangs, skylights and, of course, high wind load demands, made the structural engineering challenging,” Sherrill says. “We overcame the challenges with collaboration and ended up with a canopy that achieved the aesthetic goals while also meeting the structural and constructibility demands.”


“创造一个愉快的环境继续其他乘客ously throughout the day has the added benefit of revenue generation for the airport concessions,” Sherrill says.

COVID-19, hurricanes

In 2020, the project team had to contend with the unprecedented double whammy of the COVID-19 pandemic and back-to-back hurricanes. The pandemic prompted the project team to implement strict protocols for jobsite safety. “While the jobsite was considered a federal infrastructure project and was authorized to continue working through shutdowns, the project team implemented infection control measures on the jobsite,” says Casey Zaunbrecher, senior project manager with CBRE | Heery. The team modified jobsite access to create a single, monitored entry point staffed by a medical contractor conducting temperature scans for anyone entering the site. Other measures included social distancing and mask requirements, virtual meetings, contact tracing and disinfecting of community equipment and facilities. As of November, only one positive case of COVID-19 was reported on the jobsite, Zaunbrecher says.

项目团队于8月与飓风劳拉(Hurricanes Laura)和10月的三角洲(Delta)再次进行了测试。拉斐特(Lafayette)处于两次风暴的东端,沿着路易斯安那州西南部几乎相同的路径,在彼此的三周内登陆。Zaunbrecher说:“计划团队成功地准备了该网站,关闭并重新开始天气事件发生之前和之后的进度,没有明显的时间表延迟或对工作现场的影响。”

The new terminal sustained some minor roof damage from Delta, but no water entered the building. Some hangars on the existing terminal sustained minor wind damage in both storms.

Concerns about future hurricanes factored heavily into the design of the new terminal, and engineers worked to make sure the structure would be capable of withstanding storms and wind loads. “As with most southern coastal projects, wind is always high on the list of structural engineering considerations,” Sherrill says.


“The project came about [while] New Orleans had just built their terminal,” Picou says. “At the time, we were the fourth-busiest airport in the state of Louisiana, and we were working out of the smallest square footage.” With three active runways and 899 parking spaces, the airport serves more than a half-million passengers each year; that number is expected to increase 40% by 2025.

An overdue upgrade


The new terminal is on pace to open in the fourth quarter of 2021, with some paving and demolition work stretching into 2022. The old terminal will be torn down.